Ev - Been Grey So Long it Looks like Black to Me

I disagree. There’s an implied wink and nudge that goes along with “a gentleman never tells.”

Um... neither. No one has time to be dealing with useless adults like this when you are bleeding out on the floor. A guy who wants a cookie for doing basic adult functions is not someone to be with in a meaningful way.

When they ask if the women had weapons, his refusal to say no could have easily told the cops to come in expecting weapons and gotten those women killed.

Literally no one is saying to do away with due process. We’re just asking for victims to be supported and not be called lying sluts.

I understand your concern and it is warranted. However, as someone who saw his mother raped in the back of a storage room at age 3, I can assuredly say I leave the questioning and grilling to the authorities. Family and friends should be supportive - not accusatory. Read this:

This comment is so on target, I’m falling out of my chair over here...

“...And that most women these days are turning to each other for sex.”

Counterpoint: maroon 5 is garbage, Adam Levine is especially garbage, and if it wasn’t for the stupid ass show that is ‘the voice’ they would have rightfully faded away into obscurity long ago

I was so shocked by this verdict. I’m so happy and relieved for the sake of the victims. I admire their strength throughout this whole process.

Wow. WOW. I’m shocked by this.

The irony of lawyers calling out defendants for being there “for the money” is fucking ridiculous.

Flash forward 1 year:

“Feden specifically defended each woman who spoke, saying their names and calling out the various ways the defense had shamed them.”

I agree with The Time Between Dog’s post! Shame on any defense lawyer - especially Bliss & Mesereau, if they can’t fingure out how to be zealous without lowering themselves to a level that makes them sound like petty, ignorant, gossiping little schoolgirls. And for the record, blaming and shaming the victim is about

I’m tired of zealous representation equaling calling women lying whores out to make money. I’m tired of women being raked over the coals and every minute detail of their lives being torn open and twisted to make them look like evil harpies out to ruin men’s lives. That isn’t a zealous defense its misogyny, and yet you

The irony of these arguments saying that these women are doing this for fame and fortune is that Kathleen Bliss is the one getting rich and well-known off her famous client. She’s making a lot of money off Cosby and, with an increase in her rate afterwards from the notoriety, she’ll make a whole lot more from the

This is always the defense when a famous man rapes a woman. No woman wants to be remembered as a victim of sexual abuse. The lie that ANYONE would want to be stigmatized like that for FAME shows how little these men care for or about this victims.

Heidi Thomas was just a woman with a bizarre story finally getting her shot at fame. “She wanted to be a star,” Bliss said, “and she’s living the dream now.”