Ev - Been Grey So Long it Looks like Black to Me

dude, totally my first reaction - like, yeah ok, those Britney images are crappy, but I have vague memories of being actually nauseated by some of the vile stuff he put up. The meanness of the captions, coupled with the (bizarrely repetitive) kindergarten-style drawings of cocaine and semen all over everything was

I was so ready to fight you, but scrolled down and that family is ouch cute, so FINE.
If you crop out the other three and just leave A-Sand, though? *Hard* No on the cute - especially with that sleaze ‘stache ::shudder::

as a patient (and trauma survivor) of several dental school clinics, this surprises me less than not at all.

Internet win.

I have now read this on an internet news site, so it is TRUE and I will now be repeating it as the fact that it is. Thank you for keeping me informed.

The practicing physician > the unlicensed eye dr?

seriously - after the creepy motel book, I’m amazed anyone would describe Talese’s attitude toward anything as “surprisingly” disturbing. It would have been surprising if he’d been angry, disgusted, or even disappointed. This is just Gay being the amoral asshole he is, and having no qualms about sharing it. I kind of

(same! ::big sigh of relief::)

ugh, it’s kind of pathetic how quickly we’re reduced to trying to think of names of guys that seem nice, who we haven’t heard anything BAD about. With Hanks, Reeves, and Stewart, I know of stuff they’ve said and done that’s just plain good, and don’t know of anything gross to offset it. The Rock is just someone I’ve

Um, that doesn’t at all apply to teen heartthrob Jared Leto, or a whole bunch of other accused predators - even if you want Affleck to be considered a special drunken snowflake who doesn’t count. Jeremy Piven was leading-man attractive when he was young (pre-early hair loss and later hair plugs), Danny Masterson may

Patrick Stewart! Yes! I had forgotten about his general awesomeness [which: fingers crossed please please no secret gross skeletons].

Jeff Goldblum? Oh man. I’m praying that “got consent” means ‘got enthusiastic consent,’ but that’s not really the way to bet... Ugh. He’s the first named celebrity creeper to make me feel even the slightest twinge of surprise. And now I am sad. :(
[note to Tom Hanks: don’t you *dare* turn out to be a predator. You’re

And other times they need to grow a brain and shut the fuck up. Guess which time this is? (Hint: you should really STFU)

ok, thank god for this thread, because I was just like, wait what??? Is that really a thing someone would say... ever? Like, even creepily? Wtf? Is it a generational thing, is it a soft-shelled crab reference, or some dated sex slang thing, PLEASE SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME BECAUSE IT’S FREAKING ME OUT.
And then a

same. I have heard a bunch of secondhand (meaning from friends, not just a friend of a friend/coworker) stories about working with him, and not a single one was even neutral. They ranged from just ‘pleasantly surprised that he was cool’ about something, to him being a consumate gentleman and laughing good-naturedly at

haha, so would have posted that if you hadn’t! I knew a lot of agents’ assistants when I worked in LA, and OMFG the horrible stuff they told me they dealt with - and not even really complaining, just like ‘meh today was long’ tone, like it was normal! But for them it pretty much was: it was this weird, old-school


#1 ew #2 I said I *didn’t think he was a pedophile,* because I have heard scores of stories about his behavior, mostly on set, over the years (scroll up). All of them were creepily similar, but all involved predatory behavior toward of-age-though-not-by-much guys, so it seemed very plausible that his going after

I don’t think Spacey’s a pedophile [chickenhawk, yes], but 100% agree with your point that most of the other actors* wouldn’t be his type, so wouldn’t experience it and could be somewhat oblivious.
* He’s [allegedly] quite happy to cavort with hot young behind-the-scenes workers, and every set has plenty of those

Exactly this. I’ve heard the rumors for years [yikes... nearly decades? I am olde...], usually from pretty credible sources (lots of unimportant people doing non-actor-y work on sets), and the stories have always been very, very similar. Basically, they all included these elements: