Now you’re just being mean. :(
Also, can we PLEASE have Michelle run? ISTR she has no interest, but if we beg REALLY HARD??? Is a military coup installing her as leader over the line?
Now you’re just being mean. :(
Also, can we PLEASE have Michelle run? ISTR she has no interest, but if we beg REALLY HARD??? Is a military coup installing her as leader over the line?
Totally second this. I thought that’s what this was and was excited to know. Not that I’m not happy to see pics from when we had a first family, instead of... whatever we’re calling the Trumps, but it’d be great to see Obama updates.
(Also: omg, I love that dress! I feel hella shallow for mentioning this, but how…
“Suspicious looking” is too subjective, and way too open to personal biases. It’s safer to just stop any white person in a public space - make sure they have ID , aren’t up to anything shifty, etc. Err on the side of caution!
(it is not a fact. i went down that rabbit hole a couple years back, totally believing it, but there is absolutely nothing [which, I won’t lie, kinda disappointed by])
but, but, how were we to pick up on that riddle, when it was buried in the midst of your - oh, nm.
Super creepy that my first response was thinking through the various scenarios: requirements that miscarriages and stillborn babies still be paid for in full, wondering whether a woman likely to die would be allowed to…
^^^ this - and I *love* me some pits, but I wouldn’t want the responsibility of owning one, because of the dog aggression and the training I would have to stay on top of (I raised a lab from puphood; the most vicious thing I had to train him out of was leaping up to lick people’s faces in glee. And I found that…
omg i want to eat your dog! (which sounds way creepier than intended! He’s just SO CUTE ::squeeze::)
would watch this.
hard agree. I don’t exactly love her vocals, in all of it, but I hella love how she changed the song enough that it was worth performing [if you’re just gonna sing the song as is, save it for encores and the like, not a big concert - let alone a recording], and I love how much she obviously loved it.
(Did I get some…
whereas I love all the other bands listed above (except the Eagles, who I really loathe), and think Fleetwood Mac is amazing and have a unique sound. So much of it is so familiar to us that I think it’s hard to appreciate how different it was at the time. And how *good.*
Also, sorry: Stevie 4 Evah.
omg, have you people not seen True Blood & Vikings? All Skarsgårds > all Hemsworths!
Before watching True Blood, I could objectively see that Alexander was hot, but he was SO not my type that it didn’t register. Watching him as Eric, um... changed that, to wildly understate it. And sure, Gustaf’s promo photos…
This was my experience - but it was also after having my CCs and SS card stolen, and my bank call me to tell me someone was trying to charge things using my stolen card. I contacted one (Experian?) and they said they would notify the other two.
awwwww. I weep sap for your loss. :(
Maple is the Once and Future MAPLE. All others are ephemeral fads and will be forgotten by time.
omg, so glad I stumbled upon this! I’ve been a hardcore Grade B-er since I can remember (my mom hipped me to the A/B trickery early on), so I would have lost my mind without this guide. Thank you for your important work!
aahahahahahahhahhaahhah omg true
#1 yep, no surprise. ugh. Actually, pretty heartened by all the comments from people who were young that got super-squicked when they were older.
oh, no. I read the Xanth books way before I had any consciousness of being a female entity (I also loved Heinlein unreservedly and found nothing problematic in any of his books...), and after a number of them, even *I* was like ‘ok, I can’t even.’ Unlike Heinlein (R.I.P. credulous younger me [still so much love, but…
ahaha love this and am totally stealing/reworking it as needed: “i’m gay because of all the sex i keep having with other men, not because of [random gay stereotype here]”