But ‘violation of free speech’ means anything we want it to! It’s a beautiful world! :D
But ‘violation of free speech’ means anything we want it to! It’s a beautiful world! :D
(argh, thank you. how is this some well-kept freaking secret???)
Thank you for sharing that. It totally does happen to guys, and I’m guessing the ‘WTF is going on?’ and shame for not doing anything/just ‘letting’ it happen responses are even stronger, considering how men aren’t supposed to be victims - especially 6'4" men.
Ugh, yes.
I hate how many things people are pointing out in this thread that are so recognizably right (as in, “oh, yeah: duh,” the moment you read it). :(
Right? WHO EXPECTS THAT? Of *course* you’re not prepared to suddenly leap back and yell, “J’accuse!” because you’re in a normal situation where that isn’t going to happen. Except it does.
SO much this. That ‘is this really happening?’ response of confusion (immediately followed, for me, by self-doubt: ‘-or am I imagining it?’), is pretty much automatic. It’d be nice to unlearn, but I haven’t had any success at bootstrapping it, yet.
Taylor expressed that her first reaction was shame for not calling it out right in the moment, but instead thanking them and acting like nothing for happened.
Wow. I could not have more distaste for Taylor Swift, and this comment elicited pretty much the same reaction as the first response (only less eloquent and more head-smacking).
Even if you hadn’t led with, “I’m a guy,” it would have been obvious from your comment - which isn’t meant in a snarky way; it’s just that…
omg serious lol thank you
ahahahaahhaha have done this, can verify it is awesome
(For a second I thought you meant the same way as Rihanna, and I was like, wait, what??? Grande seems... *sexy* to people? As in, “I would make the great sex with that person! Rrowr!” not “I acknowledge that is a nice roundup of sexy signifiers that don’t coalesce into anything that makes my nethers tingle,” which…
Yes!!! Isn’t it the weirdest thing? Like, whoa whoa, you drink all you want, but why do I have to? ‘Because!’
Oh, oh, totally doing this, thanks! Fizzy water ftw!
(yeah... that was by far the most unexpected thing. People act *super* weird if they notice I’m not drinking. There’s typically some weird bullying to drink [’at least one, to be polite’], or people get all self-conscious/defensive about their own drinking. When I’d say it was because of heart meds [not technically a…
Omg, we are living in a reality in which Clippy seems like a perfectly credible voice of reason. I’m going to go hug a pillow and cry now, thanks.
That is awesome! I stopped drinking years ago (interaction with meds + a family history that made it seem like a good idea, regardless...) and, aside from learning to pretend to drink at parties and get sodas tarted up to look like mixed drinks to avoid getting weirdly interrogated and peer pressured to drink[?], it…
Ha. I just emailed my friend, telling her she was Parenting all wrong [because I hear moms love strongly-worded advice from the childfree!], and that she’d better get her partner heavy into yoga and start being this family immediately.
Your friends are so far beyond adorable in those videos it hurts (and I’ve been…
omg, I will never not see that now and need to immediately go call my mom and aunt and pass this along to them. (what is the emoji for horrified laughter?)
omg, not as much as Mexico loves Morrissey. Which: wow.