Eutropius Achaikos

Given the wide liberties that were taken with the source material for the Haunting series, I think it’s fair to assume (hope?) that the Flanagans will be using Pike’s book as inspiration rather than canon for this project. I have been extremely pleased with everything from Flanagan I’ve watched so far (which is about

I actually get excited when I hear a good director is adapting a mediocre-to-bad story. Because that means he’ll probably have less pushback when it comes to changes, and he probably had a really specific reason he wanted to do this story in the first place.

Honestly, this makes me somewhat more interested to see it! I’m a fan of Flanagan’s work, and I can’t imagine that they keep pretty much anything that you’ve written. I’m hoping that they picked this book in particular so that they could treat the original like a vague suggestion rather than people expecting a more

Yikes, that does not sound good. Hopefully, he’s seen an angle from it that we haven’t

“With every movie that we’re looking at now, we are thinking, ‘What’s the potential Max spinoff?’” Mr. Hamada said.

DIdn’t know that, it was smart with the young actors growing up quickly. How many seasons are they planning for this show?

Dahl hated the 1990 movie (and most of the movie adaptions of his books), at least in part because the children got restored to human form at the end. In the book, he stays a mouse, happily, because with a mouse’s reduced lifespan he won’t outlive his grandmother and he can’t imagine anyone else taking care of him.

So glad that Shayan Sobhian has officially been bumped up to main castmember. He had such a hard job to do, being a new character that, in-canon, has always been there and has established relationships with everyone, and directly replacing a fan-favorite character... and yet he and the writers pulled it off perfectly.

I really hope that with Souza, Daisy has finally found her Fitz (as she told Jemma she hoped to do when they had their ladies’ night at the alien casino) 

How much does anyone here want to bet that the “moving scene that left everyone on set crying” involves one of them dying? I have a feeling Marvel will end up pulling a “Kill your gays.”

Bird box had a score? 

I’m with you. Season 8 killed it for me. I really want to like it, but nothing. 

I hated S8 (or at least everything after ep 3), but there’s still so much amazing material to mine from the companion books. I would have zero interest if Benioff and Weiss were involved, but I’m actually super excited to see his material in fresh hands.

It’s a $10 stupid tax.

I am still watching, but OMG.  ROBIN!  The scene with her and Steve in the bathroom brought me to ugly joyful sobbing tears.  It was so well done, so well written, it didn’t feel heavy handed or pushed forward.  It was an honest moment of friendship and acceptance.  I LOVED IT!

Russian Terminator guy was just so perfect for the role. The styling they did for him was perfect “young Arnold,” too. So very fun.

I think my only take away questions were about the Russians. How did they build such a massive underground bunker without being detected? How did they manage to get hundreds or even

Better off Ted. I would gladly sacrifice seasons 4 & 5 of Arrested Development for 2 more seasons of BoT. Portia De Rossi’s character is amazing in BoT.

Dr. Smith, was by far, the worst aspect of the show in its entirety. Posey was amazing...and she sold -all- of it. But Dr. Smith as a character was abysmal. I hated every time she was on screen.

This book is getting CRAZY amounts of adulation and awards in the comic scene. I have pretty much everything Tagame has got translated into English, and read many of the scanlations of his stuff. A few things: