Eutropius Achaikos

*Looks upward and raises fist above. Slowly closes eyes*

No, this is the real god.

I think it’s important to note that LGBT representation doesn’t have to include sex at all, and doesn’t automatically have a sexual context. Many shows have no problems showing heterosexual handholding, dating, infatuation, crushes, flirting, and so on (even kissing!), and for many characters (especially underage

Yeah. They should stop forcing heterosexual romance down children’s throats too. How do cartoons dare to show real world stuff and the diversity of human condition so children grow up to be tolerant or to help them to discover their own identity?! THE INFAMY!

I assure you, it’s just as devastating now as it was the first time you saw it.

Apparently, Joss largely based “The Body” on his own experiences when his mother died.

This is why the offhanded way Anya’s death was handled was such BULLSHIT.

I was just going to comment about The Body. For me the true sadness/horror of the episode is that millions of families come home to scene (what ever the cause) daily.

Steven Universe had several of those. A very good example is during the episode On The Run dealing with Amethyst who up to that point didn’t have a lot of character development/backstory. 

Now playing

This scene from the Golden Girls always got me. It didn’t touch on anything within the series that the average watcher wouldn’t have known. But for a show that typifies zany 80's/90's sitcom plot lines, this simple little moment has always stood out as an emotional sucker punch.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer - “The Body”

The moviegoing public reacts:

Well, I am 55, married, very monogamous, and still I masturbate like a chimp when sex isn’t convenient. It raises the heart rate, releases tension, and I’ll be damned if if I lose that function, A lot of the renfaire folk I used to run with went by the rule that arousal should happen 3 to 5 times a day, and your

Eh, the show’s fine. I have a friend who’s offended by the existence of the show but he’s never watched it. He’s only read people bash it on the internet. Here’s a conversation we had once.

Community is far better then TBBT.

A clear example of why the show is bad? Nope, not at all.

I could go for Ang Lee tackling Kindred. He’s got a great grasp of bringing a modern feel to period pieces which would be a total asset for this kind of story. And Bradford Young on cinematography please and thank you.

I was going to mention Defying Gravity - I still feel a need for closure! (Incidentally, anyone have an idea why there are so many characters named “Zoe Barnes”?)

I think the off-kilter feeling was part of the build up in the story as he gained more control over his ability. His ex-girlfriend never seemed to have issues, from what was hinted.

You can’t blame NBC for Defying Gravity’s demise, that was an ABC show. Don’t you remember the horrid “Grey’s Anatomy in Space” advertising?