Eutropius Achaikos

Yeah, I deactivated threads for now. Haven’t missed it, but haven’t looked to see if deleting the account is an option yet. Just looked, nope. Meta sucks.

I started watching Season 2 of Upload and got bored. It wasn’t very interesting and gave up about halfway in.

Not holding my breath. I enjoyed the first season but the second was so boring...I wasn’t interested in following the third season anyhow.

I sort of liked the film, though I was frustrated with the beginning because of the lack of exposition until the back end (mentioned.) I felt like they looked at the script and said “hey, what if we are clever and reverse the story so all the explanation and info-dump is at the end?”

I loathe the algorithm. I want to see what my friends and select other accounts are posting, not Meta’s idea of what influencers are. It’s boring and frustrating as hell.

Paramount+ has been fucking up left and right these days. Next up will be a name change and shedding of further titles. My speculation is the company is doing doing poorly and this is a “restructuring” to save costs. We likely won’t see new, innovative series but instead they’ll rest on rehashing things. I wouldn’t

The Wolfsong novel is actually a reprint. TJ Klune’s Green Creek series is being republished by Tor.

I have no hope for Tron 3 now.

So afraid of original ideas, Disney is, they would rather reboot and remake everything.

I was just wondering last night, as I moved my tattered and dogeared copy of Doomsday Book, what Connie Willis has been doing and if she’s written anything new lately... well anything that doesn’t involve chaotic misunderstandings. Because honestly, Blackout and All Clear were sooooo disappointing (and entirely too

My take on this seems to be different from everyone else. I’m not surprised it got canceled. While I liked the actors and the concept of the series, I was bored out of my head for the middle half of the series and almost gave up about episode 4. They could have easily tightened up the story to do so much more in that

Same here. Daft Punk should have used a more engaging vocalist than Julian Casablancas on the album.

Note to Disney: you know your Star Wars films would be events if they were... any good? Instead of hiring awful hacks like Abrams, maybe you should hire actual real writers and real directors to be consistent and creative in storytelling.

I watched the first two episodes and thought it was terrible. Worse than Disney Channel quality bad.

The entire Wool trilogy was interesting (the first is probably the most solid and self-contained,) I noticed while reading several plot holes the author introduced which... were never really explained to my satisfaction. Some, I think, were caused by the author writing himself into a corner.

Yeah, I gave up on the series halfway in. Boring AF plot. None of the characters were interesting. It sure was... something at times, but... that doesn’t keep the series interesting.

Too bad- I thought Bailey Bass was a terrific Claudia once I appreciated that the show appropriately aged her character to sixteen. (In the novel Claudia was six when she was turned, and in the movie she was 10.) Bass really did a great job of holding her own against the rest of the cast.

TJ Klune has really grown into one my favorite authors. I’ll stock up on tissues and sleep before I start, because I’m sure I’ll be emotionally spent finishing it, if his last few novels are any indication.

They’ll then remake the live action remakes as animations.

I hope the series is better than the book because while the book brings up a lot of terrific ideas, I found it very rough. The characterization was a bit flat and the end was not great to get through. I had to force myself to stay interested. From your review it sounds like they’re expanding on things, so... maybe?