Eutropius Achaikos

Honestly, even as happy as I was to see (nu)Data and the cast together, this plot twist cheaply undoes the emotional fallout of Data and his end in Picard Season 1 or even his first death.

I’m not surprised. For a show about Willow, it really spent more time focusing on the tweens CW goings-on instead. It was boring and forgettable.

I read the Howey trilogy and found it interesting... but a mess. It had continuity issues. Hopefully the show fixes them.

Based this article and the tenor of the quotes he gave, I speculate Guggenheim hasn’t been “called back” for two reasons: the first is that Gunn, DC, etc, don’t like him/his personality and second, why would they want to create a second Arrowverse? (Seems like they’re trying to move on, not repeat themselves.)

... said everyone, everywhere. Why indeed.

Why? Because WB thinks they’ll get more money out of the franchise.

two distinct performances of the Spirited Away stage show

This is me all disappointed because its not a live action adaptation of the fabulous animated Disney Atlantis.

I wonder if they made the changes in the show to reflect what was going on in the real world at the time - the series was supposed to start filming in 2020 and then everything shut down for the Covid-19 pandemic. The thing they did that annoyed me the most was changing the story of brother in the apartment. The novel

I didn’t care for the series adaptation. Some of it was spot-on, but most of the changes ruined the series for me. Instead of buying the series, I recommend buying and reading the book, which is a much better investment, IMHO.

Bunch of friends (about 10+) commented on social media they were seeing it Friday/Saturday. When asked about the film after, not one of them had anything to say about it. Even the Black Panther or Black Adam movies got reactions from them, whether it was positive or negative...

Matthew Lillard? What a way to signal your movie is gonna suck.

This is a shame, because he was probably one of the best Superman actors out there. He just had no chemistry with Amy Adams (who has NO chemistry with any costars.)

Gawd I hope the show doesn’t try to make another romantic thing between the Doctor and companions again.

Physically I dunno if Jeff Goldblum would be who I’d see in the role. I know he could act the role because he’s a solid actor, but can he sing it? He’s not known for it.



On one hand I don’t want Gunn to stop making engaging movies... on the other hand, if he can pull DC back from making superhero films filled with endless disaster porn and start focusing on characters, maybe this would be a good thing.

Hmm. Seems like he’s trying to keep himself relevant by baiting his fans.