Eutropius Achaikos

The often-alluded to mystery within the review definitely left me thinking some kind of ritual cannibalism.

I haven’t yet watched this week’s episode that dropped (this article reviews) but as I’ve watched the series, I find it to be beautifully filmed, with gorgeous landscapes, an amazing and diversely cast, and very well acted... and it’s so, so, so, so boring.

I recall the “leaping only within Sam’s timeline” was a hard-and-fast rule during the first four seasons, but then they broke that in the fifth season sending Sam back to the Civil War (probably in effort to draw in viewers). Can’t remember why now, but I think it was something about his DNA was compatible with his

I’m currently watching it. Four episodes into the US version and... It’s bad. I’ll rephrase:  the UK version is so much better.

Just out of curiosity, what grounds the Karate Kid/Cobra Kai series into science fiction/fantasy? I haven’t watched the series at all and only vaguely remember seeing the original movies way back when. It seems like a straight drama, which seems to be an odd choice for io9 to cover.

It seems like lately, io9 will only cover Star Trek, Game of Thrones, and Marvel and run the same three stories about them.

I watched the series this week and was left underwhelmed by it. The first episode was such a sloppy mess, with so many issues in story telling I almost quit there. The second episode clarified things better, but then they fumbled too much in the middle episodes. The season finale was rushed. Talked with several

Honestly early Flash was my favorite of the DC series (Legends of Tomorrow supplanted that later on) but it really should have ended around season 5. Haven’t watched the current one, but the last couple seasons before were hard to plow through.

Have not been a super fan of this season of The Orville, but the Domino episode was super questionable. Strong Star Wars (ROTJ) vibes but more importantly, (sorry for the spoilers if anyone is reading this and hasn’t seen it yet) was rather disappointing to see the Bury Your Queers trope employed. Friend and I

Matalas: “There are some people from Star Trek who come back in this season who aren’t the Next Gen [primary] cast ... I really want THIS character to come back.

The IC was very 90s generic fantasy which was common then. 

The IC was very 90s generic fantasy which was common then. 

There was a time when I would have been interested in this. *30 years ago*

I started to read the second and abandoned it because it was so bad.

It went down the crapper.

Came here to say the same thing. “Why?” The book was not good, barely finished it and never read the others. The movie was awful. This doesn’t sound good.

Meh. Methinks TWD franchise is flatlining so they’re trying to revive it. Just lead the dead stay dead...

The next meeting of the Clone Club will commence on Giz right about... now.

Re: Knock at the Cabin

Wow, no love for Sadie Sink and her phenomenal performance? She had the meatiest character role for the season, even though they did her wrong. Only thing good about that: she should be back for Season 5.