Eutropius Achaikos

I think it’s the promotion for the film. I’ve seen a bunch of the trailers, and they’re just all over the place, a sloppy mess that doesn’t make the film feel fresh or fun. I’m sure the film itself is just fine, but... the promotion for it didn’t make me feel like I need to see it and can wait for it to hit Disney+ in

I can already start scheduling my huge snooze for this. GOT is over. Sorry, not interested.

Following her own “logic”, she should tape her muzzle to a truck muffler and deeply inhale that carbon monoxide to become better. Please, let her achieve “science”. 

I remember her in the film, but there was a lot of characters, so she didn’t stick out much to me.. However, I remember I didn’t buy the on-screen chemistry between her and Momoa, so I was surprised she was cast for the sequel. From all accounts, it sounds like she’ll have even less presence on-screen. Probably along

I was OBSESSED with Willow when it first came out. Now I’m just wondering why no mention of Elora Danan in the trailer. But I’m content to wait and see what they’re about.

I fixed your headline.

Honestly though, I’m not broken up about most of the NuCrewTNG exiting the series. I never really connected with of them, had nothing invested in them. I just finished S2 of Picard last night and found the season, as a whole, a sloppy incoherent mess. Seems to me this attempt to bring back the original TNG casts is

When Viserys dies, the result is a war that splits Westeros in two

Honestly, I think he has nothing written. I don’t care about the series any more, since he’s obviously hit a dead end.

... and no one was sad about that.

There, I fixed your headline for you.

CODA was my favorite film of the past year. That scene where Marlee Matlin, Troy Kotsur, and Daniel Durant are sitting in the audience during the concert, an isolated bubble in their own community really stuck in my head for days after.

I noticed it was just a faceless corporate message, probably written by a PR flunky, without a peep out of Chapek or the other board members. 

Indeed, the whole novel had to be so meticulously plotted out that it boggles the mind. I know Niffenegger has announced several times that she’s working on a sequel involving Alba (Henry and Claire’s daughter) that was supposed to be ready by 2018.... If it’s at all complicated like The Time Traveller’s Wife, I

I would agree that any connection between Sanderson and minority publishing is mighty thin. He’s worked really hard to establish his work, his brand, and his identity, but Sanderson is clearly a cisgendered heterosexual white male who doesn’t bring other view point in his work. I’ll admit it’s been years since I read

I’ve cancelled my Prime membership twice; both times I got cancellation notice... and they billed me for another year anyway without emailing or notifying me. The first time I didn’t realize until about three months in. Last time, I noticed it a month later. Amazon’s “practices” are so shady that I’m actually going to

I would recommend reading, seriously. I did a few years after it came out because my roommate at the time was like “YOU HAVE TO READ THIS.” It was amazing.

Ernie Hudson is so often the best part of anything he’s in. His casting makes things more promising.

This was such a good book, I hope it doesn’t get bungled in transition. That said, the book is ALWAYS better.

I loved Orphan Black and Tatiana Maslany, but I hope this new iteration is a lot more coherent and planned out. By the time they introduced the Castor Clones I felt like they were just making it up as they progressed. Also... I can barely remember what the Big Bad was through the final season, but do distinctly