Eutropius Achaikos

HA! That would be absolutely bonkers. Okay, now I’m expecting that.

Author posts a slide slow with every slide containing spoilery commentary on Archive 81, including hinting exactly what’s going on in the series...

I rather enjoyed the original Knives Out. But yeah, that accent the worst. Let’s hope they either give a good explanation for it, or drop it altogether.

Honestly though, one of my college literature courses included a segment of viewing Méliès’ A Trip to the Moon as a counterpart with Well’s First Men in the Moon. I don’t think either were created to be taken seriously, but more to satirize the public thinking about the moon at the time.

It’s been years since I’ve watched the Indy movies. However, I’ll take a stab at this one: Like others indicated, I think he was speaking Latin. How he learned Latin though? I assume he learned from the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword who were attacking anybody going after the Grail.

When I discovered McCammon back in the early 90s, I went on a kick and read what he had published that was available. Swan Song is his best book, and easily most memorable. At the time, I plowed through Baal, They Thirst, Mine, Stinger, but the details of them are fuzzy now.

Came here to say the same thing, was not disappointed.

You should read the book. It’s gorgeous reading and well worth the effort.

I’m hoping they don’t bring the kids back. I found their scenes painful to watch. Nothing against them as actors, just... they weren’t interesting.

I knew he battles depression, he’s talked about it for a while, and I knew he had other health issues but never heard what. He’s always been a joy to watch, I hope he keeps getting more roles.

This article left me asking myself... “A reboot? Why? What’s the point?” It kind of sounds like a bad idea.

Life-long captions user here. My favorite subtitle lately is the following:

Saw it with captions. Still didn’t save the film, though. (sorry, couldn’t resist.)

Most universities with large enough deaf groups usually have closed caption movie nights if they have a movie house on campus. Mine did (circa 2015-17). I was told there was no extra gear, the subtitles were on screen, and came from the studios like that.

I would underscore Ridloff’s comments a thousand times. I’ve often waited until a film is released on DVD or streaming to see it simply because the chain running the show didn’t support the deaf community at all.

All the Lokis wear green. It was even noted by one of the Lokis.

I could see Robin Givens playing Ryan’s mom, but I wonder... With the finale and Alice’s revelation segueing into voice-over for that Poison Ivy, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were suggesting Ryan’s mom was Poison Ivy. Doesn’t sound these two correlate though.

She’s an engaging actor, and she looks like she hasn’t aged a day since her TNG escapades... Wonder if she has a Scottish candle or oil panting in her home?

*chuckles* Your comment made me belly-laugh. True, the book is bad, and I really don’t recommend it. Unless you’re really bored, and even then, probably not. So scratch my comment about reading it. Let’s wait to see what the show looks like then. :) I think the Flanagans could do something good with it, I hope so with

Great article. I wanted to like The Falcon and the Winter Soldier more than I did. I was frustrated by the series’ consistent build up to racial discussion... then waving hands and skipping it.