Eutropius Achaikos

Maybe read the book first?

I hope that’s the case, that the Flanagans are seeing something they can work with), and are going to drop a lot of the rest of it. The rape scene alone was disgusting, involving a lizard snake penis (I am not kidding about this.) I think the book was written originally in the 1970s, and was one of Pike’s first

Walking away is always the best option, it saves you from the angst and negativity.

Yikes. I remember reading this when it came out (1993) and it was... really, really, really bad. I mean, SyFy-made movie bad. I don’t recommend reading it at all.

None of these sound interesting.

Ever since he showed up on Discovery, I’ve been saying Anson Mount is one fine looking gentleman.

Wow. This looks uncomfortably bad. Like... Gigli bad.

I read the TTTW novel years ago and my memory says there’s enough material for a limited series, maybe 10 episodes if they pace it right. The movie left out a lot, such as their relationships with family, his mother’s death (done correctly, that could be very interesting to watch), their difficulties with syncing

Legit question... It doesn’t look good even in the trailers, so I’d say “Nope!”

When this movie came out, a group of eight of us decided to go to see it. 20 minutes in, we all were looking at each other. Without a word, we all stood up and left. The manager of the theatre refunded our money on request. We weren’t the only ones either. A friend of a friend knew the manager and he told us that

“With every movie that we’re looking at now, we are thinking, ‘What’s the potential Max spinoff?’” Mr. Hamada said.

What about that scene of flying through the fireworks? I rolled my eyes so hard at that.

I remember seeing this in theatres when it came out, way back when. (Thanks for making me feel old, Julie.) It was almost as fun to watch it again for a Robots literature class some years ago. The Fisher Stevens blackface thing was cringeworthy and got the kids in class riled up about how totally inappropriate it was.

Latinx is a racist term

Some good news this week- if you missed it. HDM was renewed for a third season. They acknowledged they had planned to do the third book as two series but decided to condense. No word if the James McAvoy stand alone episode will be included in that. I rather like the idea of that, (if it covers what I think it was

Disney appears to be creatively bankrupt and unwilling to take any risks on anything new. They’re remaking their popular back catalog because they’re familiar. And they don’t have to spend the money writing new material. Smells like they’re being cheap to me. Whoever is running the show there these days is an idiot.

My mother and I watched the series. She liked it a lot more than I did. A friend also watched it and hated it.

Yes. We need more Mick Shenanigans™. 😍

I think I read somewhere (right before S1 premiered) that the series was tentatively planned to adapt Book 1 for S1, Book 2 for S2, and split Book 3 into S3 and S4. However, because S1 didn’t take off like BBC/HBO apparently wanted (and was very expensive, cost about 50 million GBP), I don’t expect to see S3. They

I’d be happy if Legends dropped the Constantine character from its roster. No offense to Matt Ryan who really vamps his way through that role, but I feel Constantine doesn’t fit in with the others, and his storyline always drags down the pacing.