Eustache Dauger

Quite a few hoops you expect him to jump through, there.

He’s in Seattle. NYC matters even less than usual.

Alternate translation: “Share Now offered to let him become a member so that he could pay them to move the car himself, but not pay his “fees”. Smith has “rejected” the company’s efforts.

From what I remember of my bathroom cleaning days, Men’s rooms had piss on the floor and Women’s rooms had shit on the wall.

A) They would never admit to enforcing anything other than the posted speed limit.

Perhaps Godzilla somehow created the storm that trapped the Kong family on Skull Island.

“You know, it’s like watching Rocky go up against Ivan Drago.”

It doesn’t really matter what you play. Mobile games are almost universally designed to be fun just long enough to hook you and then a pain in the ass to make you spend money. Just delete it when you hit the wall.

I thought that if I just punched him in the face a few times he’d hire me as a bodyguard.

Their families?

What percentage of the time would you wager it’s done properly? I’d bet that, like most things, it got half-assed somewhere along the line.

I did read my source. I read 6 whole sentences beyond that to where it says “Commercial canning is done under tightly controlled conditions — careful sanitation and the necessary time and temperature under pressure, but there are still limits to how long it will preserve food.”

It’s Always Sunny in Lavender Town.

The USDA has facts. What you have are called “delusions”. You can’t dismiss reality as easily as a comment on the internet.

One multi-BILLION dollar corporation I worked for refused to change the light bulbs (roughly half of which were burned out) because “it wasn’t in the budget until the next fiscal period”. Having money does not equate to a willingness to spend money.

If the can isn’t damaged, was sterilized before being filled, is properly stored, and the food inside was properly and thoroughly processed, canned food won’t spoil. The canned food industry doesn’t give a shit about any of that because they aren’t canning things to last for centuries. They’re canning it to last a

I can’t find it, but I remember seeing Gary Busey on some late night talk show where he said if you mix a squirrel’s blood into its brain it tastes just like strawberry yogurt. So... there’s that, I guess.

I’ll send you the swollen can of peaches I found and you can go ahead and dig in.