Eustache Dauger

I’d bet that “Bee” is a better flavor than “Orange Vanilla”.

Canned food still spoils.

Now playing

This makes me wish Korgoth of Barbaria had lasted more than one episode.

I want to eat that giraffe in a tasty Giraffagarofaluffaloaf.

But then Chocodiles wouldn’t make any sense. And, at the end of the day, they’re the most important. Who’d eat a Chocogator? That’s just silly.

But is that turning side to side (like you’re saying no), tilting side to side (like a confused dog), or shifting side to side (like a belly dancer)?

I mean, it says “alligators” right there in the header image, but, sure... crocodiles.

I have seen the future: The decision to increase this movie’s budget will become the internet’s go-to example when explaining sunk cost fallacy.

How often do you think the helmets would be getting cleaned? I’m willing to bet that it would be somewhere between “nowhere near often enough” and “never”. Hopefully, the same isn’t true for hotel sheets.

I don’t understand your post. Normal human beings drive like some dipshit.

Being a firefighter is a good and honorable job, like being a teacher or an ice cream truck driver.

When was this movie ever purported to be about the characters who died in the last movie?

Yep. It ended with a nice setup for the story he seems to think this was supposed to be. Because that story hasn’t happened yet. They were too dead.

One of the more disappointing, though not wholly unsurprisingly, things about Avengers: Endgame is how little screen time Danai Gurira’s Okoye gets—especially considering the story is ostensibly about the new generation of Marvel heroes stepping up to the plate after the events of Infinity War.

Are you aware that that was my point?

In all fairness, transparent computer screens are the only ones that don’t cause the whole computer to explode when they’re damaged.

I hate you.

No. Not that money. He kept that money. The money those dumb kids gave him so he could give it to charity.

That’s the only appropriate place for it.