Eustache Dauger

I have a huge love for Critters 4, and Angela Basset is no small part of the reason why.

They could always make her an Elder of the Universe. Judicator, maybe?

Not only does the Fist become hers to wield, but we learn that her ancestor might have been one of the very first Iron Fists, making the gift a unique kind of birthright.

If you think that’s bad, you should listen to some old time radio. Having Abbott and Costello interrupted so you can be informed that “9 out of 10 doctors recommend Camel cigarettes” is beyond strange.

As much as I liked Cheers, I never really got into Frasier. I like smart shows about dumb people, like Arrested Development or Community. I have a hard time watching dumb shows about smart people, like Frasier or Big Bang Theory. If your show has an episode where two geniuses get trapped in a closet due to wacky

22 months is fair, provided he’s given no special protections and everyone is made aware of exactly what he did. The authorities looking the other way while someone gets hurt should be as big a part of his sentencing as it was of his crimes.

Treacherous liars and agents of Putin
Klansmen on Fox News and 1940s Teutons
Unhinged rants on Twitter praised by the right wing
These are a few of Trump’s favorite things.

Trump isn’t competent. He’s just skilled at throwing people under the bus. He’s also running out of people to throw.

Sometimes dumb devices are necessary for dealing with even dumber people.

The flaming tire tracks say yes.

I went to grab a rake a few days ago. I didn’t see the tree frog that was sitting on the handle. It oozed between my fingers like wet silly putty.

Hey, now. You can’t blame 1920's Appalachia for the concept of sun bleached plastic children’s toys. Toys weren’t made of plastic until the 1940's. They had sun bleached wood or rusted metal children’s toys. The rest of your statement I can’t argue with.

A fat fuck who is avoiding fast food?

I guess we just have to hope that Trumplethinskin doesn’t want to kill a news story shortly after a phone-breaking text bug is discovered.

I always shave without shaving cream or water. I’ve never understood why people think it’s worth complaining about.

Viral marketing for the ALF reboot. Trump really wants the 80s back.

Or a smaller Big Hunk?

I tried to google it for you. All I got was shirtless cowboys.