Eustache Dauger

So was I. It isn’t stupidity. It’s willful ignorance. Same with the earlier comment referring to them as a ‘population’. DJ is trying to equate them to a protected class in order to vilify anyone who speaks against them.

Because you can’t talk about ‘Blue Lives’ unless you pretend cops are, somehow, born that way. You have to treat them like a race if you’re going to pretend they’re the real victims.

And? Prejudice isn’t automatically bad. I’m prejudiced against a lot of things. Nazis. Child molesters. Rapists. Not everything has to be taken on a case-by-case basis. Some things are perfectly reasonable to pre-judge. Law enforcement has gone a long way out of their way to fall into that category. If they want

‘Being a police officer’ is a choice. Therefore, ‘showing up as police officers’ is a choice.

Law enforcement is not a population. It’s a profession. And a disreputable one, at that.

He told the New Yorker that he plans to have 100 people working on translating and moderation in Myanmar by the end of the year. The fact that a company can connect 2 billion people in a little over a decade but can’t hire 100 people over the course of a few years is telling.

That’s why it’s doctored. They shopped this one in so they could talk about diversity.

I only participate in clothing optional investigations. Naked people aren’t hiding anything.

Now playing

Sometimes visible boom mics are integral to the plot. Especially in Troma films.

There’s an asshole on everyone’s six.

He changed it. It used to be “Heartfelt Wronghole”.

If I learned anything in school (and I’d be shocked if I did), it’s the difference between a suspension and an expulsion. You are correct. He was expelled like liquid waste from an inflamed colon.

This reminds me of my grandpa’s place. He was a fucking looney hoarder who kept buying sheds, porches, and trailers and adding them on to his rundown house when he ran out of space to store his endless collection of garbage. I had no idea he was a architectural pioneer.

He doesn’t have any mirrors. Mirrors upset him. His staff has replaced all mirrors with framed (and highly shopped) photos of him from 30 years ago. So far, he’s buying it.

As long as, in playing both Clark and Superman, they don’t take the powers away from Clark. Playing as Clark should mean exercising constant caution that you don’t accidentally get noticed using your powers. Don’t move too fast. Pretend that door is heavy. If someone hits you, act like it hurt.

Two problems with that. First, it kind of craps all over the idea that the Guardians are his family now, which is the overall theme of the series. Second, if such a thing were possible, I see no reason why Quill wouldn’t also choose to stay dead to be with his mom, Yondu, and Gamora.

Not really. They’d either need to bring him back with everyone else and write him out again, leave everyone dead to keep him dead, or come up with a reason why Drax, and only Drax, didn’t come back when all the others did.

Just give him all of his powers. Make saving people and beating the bad guys nearly effortless. The difficulty could come from the other stuff. How are you going to give Lois the slip to stop that bank robbery without raising her suspicions? Are you going to stop that plane that’s crashing, or are you going to stop

D’Amico and McClure sounds like an ‘80s sitcom about two dirty New York cops that get reassigned to a wacky hick town until their most recent scandal blows over.

I wonder if he even realizes that his statement casts capitalism as the opposite of humanity.