Eustache Dauger

Why are bad reviews so much more entertaining to read than good ones?

Director’s cuts should only be made for movies where the director publicly spoke against the studio cut before it was released. If the director didn’t oppose the differences enough to speak up, the studio cut is the director’s cut. You shouldn’t get a do-over when you knowingly make a mess of your first attempt.

When Vader watches porn, does he force choke the chicken?

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Dick emulation was a popular motif in squirt guns.


More old-timey? Licorice pipes.

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You’re a fucking Randy. Nobody likes a Randy.

Cheese is a daytime snack. After midnight is the time for unheated cans of corn.

Portion control has no place after midnight.

Portion control has no place after midnight.

While West Coast Avengers is a smaller-scaled team series than...well, literally any other Avengers book,

I really can’t be bothered with this. It’s not that I’m anti-Disney. It’s just that, after decades of them locking things in the ‘vault’, I am no longer able to care when their stuff is inaccessible.

Why would he even know what a pony was?

...but the love interest of a C-B list (at the time) Marvel character was never, ever going to be a meaty enough of a role for an Academy Award winning actress.

I once knew a cat that was raised among dogs that enjoyed swimming and rolling in mud puddles, but never groomed itself. In fairness, there’s a better-than-average chance the filthy little thing was brain damaged.

Assigning responsibilities to society hasn’t done much to rein in the shitbaggery of the average frathouse. I doubt a corporation would do any better.