Eustache Dauger

Be careful dropping antimatter. You can have flashbacks for years before you took it.

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Hey, now. Zach Galifianakis has two characters. Usually he’s Zach. Sometimes he’s Seth.

Verizon also stated that the matter had “nothing to do with net neutrality or the current proceeding in court.”

I’m sure they work well. No self-respecting hen would be seen with the nerd in the trousers.

Hmmm. It used to be horribly glorious. Now it’s gloriously horrible. The cheese has only gotten cheesier, but the rest of it has gone moldy, as per the standard aging process of ‘80s schlock.

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We’ll be fine. As long as they don’t steal our green laser technology.

No. I call those people ‘the Insistence’. Omarosa can go sit with Stormy Daniels.

If I saw an untitled picture of those three, I’d probably have assumed that they were mall cops being charged with the sexual assault of an underage shoplifter. 

She’s the dog’s mom. To be a dog’s mom, you must be a dog. The restaurant doesn’t allow dogs. She should be banned.

False. Children are raccoons. They don’t become human until they’re old enough to drink.

Hank Hill: I mean, I think it’s cute that you call it ‘spa-Peggy and meatballs’, but, you know, it’s just noodles and tomato sauce and balls of meat.

Having the bowel control of an infant is not considered “regular”.

Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey was more gothic than The Matrix.

Pre-Matrix, I thought of him as the low-rent idiot hitman from I Love You To Death.

I’m not sure. I’ve never Benin this situation before.

Or just skip the names and use numbers instead. People wouldn’t misspell “30".

So basically he’s admitting Trump’s version of the truth isn’t the actual truth.

So was Beetlejuice. Keanu wasn’t in either one of them.