Eustache Dauger

The best part of that terrible movie was all the ‘Wesley Snipes is a lunatic stories it gave Patton Oswalt.

Blade Trinity had a sort-of Predator/Xenomorph/Dog hybrid.

Trump couldn’t get through a game of Hi Ho! Cherry-O without getting one of the pieces stuck up his nose.

No. I think your insistence that mid-rare is the only way a steak should be cooked, as if there is an objectively correct answer to a subjective question, is insecurity. It also flies in the face of all your crap about being adventurous and having new experiences. 

Bullshit. You need a chef to make your decisions for you and you need everyone else to agree with that decision. That’s insecurity. If you trusted your own senses, you’d have no reason to give a fuck what other people are doing.

“This random guy over here knows more about the way my brain interprets flavors than I do!” is EXACTLY why restaurants exist, you fucking moron.

Every cat should be named Dick.

Worked for Edmond Dantes.

Ideally, while watching horrible people be horrible to each other you should be subtly escalating the situation from the sidelines in the hope that they leave each other’s lives in such extreme tatters that neither can ever recover. But, yeah, sometimes you just watch.

I don’t like them either. Too many choices. It takes forever to make a proper suicide.

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The swelling has gone down since he went to rehab.

raccoons are nasty over-sized rats with tiny creepy human hands

Meet the Diddler

It puts pressure on the studio as fans go apeshit that two key actors may not return to the film.

It is surpassed only by Val Kilmer wordlessly conveying the same emotion.

Sebring told the outlet “Now my mother is too afraid to leave the house, my sons are afraid to walk to school or church, all because of some keyboard gangsters.”

Sebring said he left work early on Monday, drove to the home he shares with his mother, wife, and sons