Eustache Dauger

Keep getting mad. Impotent rage is almost as good as an actual point.

Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin are all rivers, too. It’s fairly common to name a place after the water that is in it. That’s why so many towns are named after lakes.

One of those fellows won the NXT North American Championship last night. He’s a WWE guy.

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Your knowledge of wrestling is about 30 years out of date.

Meh. I isn’t that bad. M and N are the worst offenders. But even then, there are only 8 of each. Out of 50 states, they each get 16%. 32% total. Canada has 3 provinces that start with N. Out of 10 provinces, that’s 30%. Throw in Manitoba and you’re up to 40%. Not that far off, percentage-wise.


I’m Ghana go ahead and say I can.


Predetermined doesn’t always mean non-competitive. The two people in the ring may be pretending to compete against each other, but they are competing against every other match on the card. Everyone wants to put on the match that everyone is talking about the next day because that’s how you move up (In theory). It may

Keanu Reeves was a gothic darling in the 90s? I mostly remember people thinking he was that goofus from Bill and Ted and Point Break.

Do you shit the bed every time you oversleep?

I would say VR shopping is the worst of both worlds. You get to waste time wandering around and browsing the shelves as if you were really in the store and then wait for them to ship it to you. All they need to do is make it social so that other shoppers can be in your way the whole time and they’ll have perfected

Nonsense. He’s wearing scrubs. That’s Dr. Rosenpenis.

If you can’t go 10 hours without shitting, you may need to see a doctor.

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They didn’t need to pasteurize it. The cheese kilns should have killed the bacteria.

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Think of them as sushi and eat them raw. Extremely raw.

I miss the good old days, when Chipotle was just a twinkle in the CDC’s eye and Jack in the Box was the place trying to kill everyone.

In fairness, he never saw Apocalypse Now. He really, really wanted to go, but they wouldn’t let him into the theater because of his bone spurs.

Because their evil is kept out of sight?