Eustache Dauger

According to the Guardian, she writes that she felt “a growing realization that Donald Trump was no longer going to pay her to pretend that he is not indeed a racist, a bigot and a misogynist.”

Lock him up. And his coworkers, any telecom executives that he’s been communicating with, his parents for creating the little bastard in the first place, and anyone that’s ever had judgment bad enough to associate with him on a personal level.

Fucktard cop Former Fucktard cop Once and Future Fucktard cop

“It sucks even more when you’re using Microsoft Edge” is a rider that could follow any statement. 

If your knife is turning big pieces into little pieces, you aren’t doing it wrong.

Left-handed beef is rare. Sinisteer are hard to find.

I’m getting more of a Mr Satan vibe.

I tend to think it’s because people don’t want to acknowledge how horrible they are and are always looking for a chance to unleash their hate under a veneer of righteousness, but that could very well be my own issues peeking out.

I appreciate it. Self-advocacy isn’t a concept I’d ever been taught. (For me, Google autocompletes it after self-adhesive) I wasn’t trying to argue against it. I was just wondering if it was a thing. It’s amazing how asking for a simple clarification can bring out the inner asshole in so many people.

My entire family is self-destructive and self-hating. They still advocate for themselves. They do so rarely and poorly (and angrily), but they do it. That’s why the word advocate is generally applied to people who advocate for others. It’s meaningless otherwise. You might as well call it volunteer work when you clean

I’m curious as to what it means to be an advocate for yourself. I mean, isn’t everybody?

I usually advise people to not take my advice. I’m not sure how I should go about following that one.

Mighty Max is still worth a watch. It’s usually on Youtube. Tony Jay, Tim Curry, Rob Paulsen. You can’t go wrong. Richard Moll eats voice acting for breakfast.

The Empire Strikes Back is really keeping the average up. One more Ewok movie and the whole franchise is a wash.

Yeah. The cartoon was definitely bad. Good cartoons didn’t end up on USA. USA got Battletoads, Savage Dragon, Double Dragon, Ultraforce, Wing Commander Academy, Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm, Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Problem Child, and Highlander: the Animated Series. The only ones worth watching were the

Star Wars doesn’t do well in China because they aren’t nostalgic about it and can see how slightly above average the whole thing is. I wouldn’t expect them to like it any more than I’d expect a child to like Li’l Abner or an American to get excited about The Chuckle Brothers.

Not all of them. Vandalizer just had a bit of an underbite.

In fairness, Jordan’s been friends with Trump’s hair since Bugs Bunny introduced them on the set of Space Jam.

No. It’s Tony Montana singing Sam & Dave.

“I like Mike!” he added, apparently referring to Michael Jordan.