Eustache Dauger

Goats are oddly charming. They are also complete bastards. They are like cats that are too dumb to be pompous.

I wasn’t mocking the cg (this time, anyway). I was mocking the character design.

Even ignoring the cheesy cg, it’s just a bad design. Rumor is they just modified a model they already had from An American Werewolf in Paris.

Keep in mind, this is the man that approved this...

Now playing

So Tennessee won’t elect Jerry Lawler, but they will elect his dentist. Weird.

They lost my sympathy at “retroactively”.

I made my ‘first active attempt to redefine myself independently of parental influence and social programming’ at around 6 years old.

Google is, was, and always will be the real world equivalent of the Gizmonic Institute. Nothing the Mads do should surprise you.

It never ceases to amaze me how eager people are to out themselves as imbeciles.

I would never dare to expect consistency. I’m just wondering what the story will be until the next retcon.

What’s the deal with Sasquatch, anyway? First he was gamma powered, then he was magically empowered by an extradimensional beast, I could have sworn he was a lupine at one point, and now he’s back to being gamma powered? Is this one of those cases where they said “Screw it. He’s all of those. And a few things we

Have you seen how high old men wear their pants? Atomic is the only way to escalate that situation.

Line cutting is childish. Childish offenses deserve childish punishments. I’d suggest an atomic wedgie, in this case.

I’ve never heard of TouchArcade either. (I think. I’m sure that the next time I hear of them I’ll think I’ve never heard of them before.) I’m not sure how much faith I’d have in a review that gets a cut of any sales they help make. 

Or just push him into a wood chipper.

ALF doesn’t need six films. He was in Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue. That thing was reboot central. Just ask Alvin and the Chipmunks, DuckTales, Muppet Babies, Winnie the Pooh, Ghostbusters, the Smurfs, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It’s ALF’s turn, dammit.

He’s the new Green Arrow.