Eustache Dauger

Report: Warner Bros. Could Be Resurrecting Better Off Dead

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Kids get an almost psychotic level of joy from eating faces, or so the ‘80s taught me.

Where are you getting “probably autistic” from?

Maybe it’s because I remember the days when portable viewing involved carrying around a box the size of a gallon of milk, weighed 20 pounds, had a black and white screen smaller than my wallet, and would drain six D-cell batteries in about 30 minutes, but I just can’t be bothered to care about notches and bezels.

There are episodes of El Chapulin Colorado on Youtube. The Bumblebee man clips aren’t that far off the mark.

There’s two ways to look at those statements. Either A) Cohen is a bad liar and Giuliani is stupid enough to believe everything he’s told without question, or B) Giuliani is a liar who is too stupid to tell a decent lie. Either way, he’s admitting that nothing he says can ever be trusted. And that he’s an imbecile.

In fairness, Bumblebee Man isn’t a loose Mexican stereotype. He’s a loose parody of one specific Mexican.

You know. It’ll be the usual. Ho-is Lane. Lena Luthwhore. Whorey Lemaris. Cathouse Grant. Gigolo Olsen. Maybe a cameo by Slattern Girl, Hooking Violet, and Infectious Lass.

Hmmm. Whenever I’ve heard someone called an old bastard, or an old fuck, or an old whatever, my interpretation of it has always been, not that their being old is a problem, but that their being an asshole/fuck/whatever is a problem and they’ve been one for a long time. A young fuck still has time to improve, an old

Super Friends was Hanna-Barbera. Filmation had The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure.

I’m willing to bet that there’s a clip from Baywatch Hawaii of Momoa riding a jet ski that would shop into that GIF perfectly.

I never joined (or even visited) LinkedIn. Someone sent me an invitation 8 years ago. Every once in a while their computer wakes up and sends me stupid messages. 

“People speak about four times faster than they type, making voice messaging great for explaining longer or more complex ideas without the time and involvement of typing and editing a message,”

Only his fingers, penis, and brain are small. His ass, gut, ego, and bald spot are all huge.

I was in a dollar store once looking for a cheap scrub brush. I found one in the kitchen stuff. In the next aisle, I found the same brush in the bathroom stuff. The second one was half the price and the only difference was the label said “toilet” instead of “kitchen”. It seems people will pay double to not imagine

Honestly, I need to watch more L.A. Law reruns to make sense of this lawsuit.

The Aquaman Trailer Is Even More Whimsical When It’s Animated

One man in the segment said something like “Kingmaners” to describe locals. That caught Gates’s attention — citizens typically refer to themselves as “Kingmanites,”