Eustache Dauger

You’re gonna have to help me out here. How does “never had anyone ralph in my car” line up with “from my experience, I can tell you it probably happens often”? 

Ash vs Evil Dead is gone and this thing keeps going.

You should. It was a pretty good book. It found a lot of clever ways to be dumb. That’s why I don’t like the modern version they trot out just to say “Hey! Remember this goofy thing?”

Spider-Ham isn’t a pig. He’s a spider. He was bitten by a radioactive pig. That pig lost her mind a bit, and (after mutating) he convinced her he was her nephew Peter.

This is the only Spider-Ham design I care for. He looks cartoony, but still capable. It’s the design of a character who has comical adventures, rather than the design of a character who gets laughed at just for existing.

The definition of decent is not “better than the absolute worst”.

Civil Society Development Foundation sounds a lot more ominous that Crimson Hexagon. Crimson Hexagon sounds like it belongs on a shelf next to Splinter Cell and Syphon Filter. Civil Society Development Foundation sounds like a Super PAC run by Fox News.

That’s easy enough to do. Tell Trump he’s getting his wall. Instead, erect a series of gallows along the border. When he throws his inevitable victory rally, hang everyone that shows up.

I wouldn’t say King was a creator of the mold. It’s been around a long time. I wouldn’t even say he popularized it. I’d throw that one to Lovecraft, personally. I’d say he’s more of an active proponent of the mold.

Taco Bell creates the nicest Taco Bell imaginable. Puts the butt-wipe behind glass and proves that even the nicest Taco Bell imaginable is a hellscape.

And “Save the Last Dance for Me” was on an album called “If It Don’t Kill You, It Just Makes You Stronger”. That should be enough to prove that a Bruce Willis declaration isn’t to be trusted.

I do likewise. Unless their hands are full. If it looks like opening the door will be a pain in their ass, I extend the courtesy zone as needed. Cup of coffee in one hand and a phone in the other? 2 seconds. Stack of pizzas in both hands with wings balanced on top? 30 seconds. Several bags of groceries in one hand and

The guy behind Tromeo and Juliet used to have a repellent sense of humor?! Who could have seen that one coming? 

I don’t volunteer for the thankless tasks because I don’t care if they get done and, unlike my actual job, they aren’t paying me to pretend I do.

The ocean. It’s right here and full of stuff. Space is out there and mostly nothing.

If we don’t give them a platform, where will we put the gallows?

I made one comment. I’m not sure how I could have made that comment to rationalize other comments I never made. It’s nice to know that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically a troll, though. It must be nice to be so full of yourself that you can’t even imagine anyone having a differing opinion without the assum

The same way every parent has since the dawn of humanity. Watch them when you can, teach them what you can, and cross your fingers.

The girl made a mistake. You make mistakes. I make mistakes. If I make a mistake and someone insists on pointing out that I shouldn’t have, then I think that person sounds like a jerk.