Eustache Dauger

My chads are hanging just thinking about it.

What machine/man ratio would you give AWESOM-O? 0/100 seems about right.

And now I’ve noticed the AT-AT. How is a vehicle on this thing, yet Tom Servo and Crow aren’t?

Robots and robot hybrids. Okay. I guess that includes cyborgs like Robocop and Darth Vader. Might as well throw in Winter Soldier, because who am I to say when prosthesis ends and cyborg begins. I guess we can count computer programs like Agent Smith and Tron. I’ll even throw in Iron Man since he has an arc reactor in

Call me when they make a Chia Jordy Verrill. Until then, I remain uninterested.

I would argue that no article about what an asshole Musk is could be complete without pointing out the legion of pricks who worship him and attack anyone they deem his enemy. Especially since he points them at the targets he wants attacked with total disregard for the consequences. Assholes love having cronies.

To everyone saying that whether Looking Backwards cheated or not is arguable. No it isn’t. There’s a simple, easy to follow guideline. Would you do it to your parent? If you’d hug your dad, hugging another man isn’t cheating. If you’d kiss your mom on the cheek, kissing another woman on the cheek isn’t cheating.

To anyone that isn’t trying to rationalize their own cheating, what he did is cheating. 

Well, he was a Trump adviser for a while.

No. Because someone with a British accent would say “paedo”.

It wasn’t chosen to represent Musk. It was chosen to represent “Elon’s many fans/cultists” who arejust making everything worse”.

Intelligence is measured by silence. Smart people know how to shut up. Idiots blather.

Not when you’re talking about shit.

Gotham and Metropolis are both in Marthachusetts.

I once saw an Iowa driver with a pizza on his dashboard. Every time he went in for another slice the box lid would block his windshield. No hands on the wheel. One holding the box open, the other fishing for food.

Well, when a billionaire flies to Thailand for no good reason, he’s almost definitely a pedo guy.

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Kellogg’s was deep in the Superman business going back to their days sponsoring his radio show. But if you think that’s amazing, check out what used to qualify as a cereal prize.

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Is Spielberg going to produce Chucky’s untitled Scott Steiner project?