Eustache Dauger

Those are the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. So were the ones he used on Titan, because the originals were fairly shit and they wanted to fix it without retconning. One’s a relic, one’s a spell, both are the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak.

You mean these Crimson Bands of Cyttorak? The ones that were basically an elaborate mousetrap?

With most people, that would be inexplicable. With a member of the Trump administration, it was probably because he pocketed the $80, needed a lie to explain why he had nothing to show for it, and blamed the incivility of the left.

I know. As I said, I don’t disagree with him. It’s just a bad choice of words. A bad choice of words in a post where he paints himself as a superior storyteller.

Just keep twisting yourself in knots trying to defend your little cult of personality.

Didn’t bother to read B, C, or D, because it’s just you harping on the same bullshit I never cared about in the first place and I’m sick of pointing out all the ways you are full of crap.

B) That is indeed a question. I’m glad you’re learning the difference.

The driver was a twit, but those pumps were faulty, too. Those hoses are designed to break away without continuing to spray gas everywhere. It’s damn lucky an empty car was sitting there and not a van full of kids.

A) A reminder is good, but not required, so your point is still moot.

Now playing

I would argue that it was *a* status symbol of the day. It had some competition.

They couldn’t find Tide pods, so they just ate the Cascade ones instead.

Now playing

Well, it’s no Easy Reader, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of, either.

A) You can agree with what you just read without explicitly quoting what you just read. No mention required.

The claim (your claim. The one I responded to) was that 000564433 was being an armchair quarterback when all he was doing was agreeing with Mirza. Everything else is just you arguing with me about shit other people said. It’s meaningless (and always based on the assumption that Musk knows all), so I ignore it. 

I didn’t even bother to read this. The moment you decided that everyone else was in the middle ages compared to your lord and savior Musk I lost interest. It doesn’t matter anyway. It isn’t armchair quarterbacking to say the experts are probably right.

I don’t disagree with the larger issue, but I really dislike his choice of words. The “bolder minds” will leave it to the hacks? Don’t threaten to run away and call yourself bold in the same sentence. That’s Sir Robin territory.

Why would he want to?

I could see that show lasting about 13 episodes on MTV.

A) The “they’re” in question could just as easily apply to Musk and his team, in which case “we’re” would make no sense whatsoever.