Eustache Dauger

He’s also the embodiment of Greed. And Sloth. And Lust. And Wrath. And Gluttony. And Pride. And Envy.

My best guess is she thinks that getting rid of him would piss off their mutual friends and she’d lose everyone. Meanwhile, they’re only tolerating him because they think he’s important to her. Everyone hates him and they’re all tiptoeing around each other.

He is the guy who is hoping if he stays in her life long enough and is there at the right time, the right night, she’ll give in and sleep with him.

Duckie from Pretty in Pink
Buckaroo Banzai w/ New Jersey
John McClane from Die Hard

In a way, that’s kind of the premise of the show. The romance makes him less supernatural. It also takes her focus off her work a bit.

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According to this song, the level of services available to homeless individuals in Oakland hasn’t changed much since 1994.


May 1. To represent the 1/5 star reviews.

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They don’t pay their taxes. Here’s a clip that agrees with one of your points, while disagreeing with another.

Huh. I always thought Grease was about a guy who changed everything about himself to win a girl who was kinda dumb. TIL.

I’m going with a slightly bloated Paul Rudd.

If your neighbor burns your brush pile so that he won’t have to see it from his patio, the solution is not to make a new brush pile. He can still see it from his patio. Burn the patio and there is no longer an issue.

I was going with Botulism. I’m not ready to concede just yet.

And “Earth Girls Are Easy” brings us right back to Goldblum. We’ve come full circle. Goldblum, Lauper, and Pinchot with cameos by Curtis Armstrong, Pee Wee Herman and Damon Wayans. If we could have just worked Taylor Negron in there somewhere this would have been the most 80s conversation I’ve had in years.

The brand has been mostly crap for decades. People have always embraced the good and ignored the bad. Disney could make mediocre products for decades and still bring up the average. I’d take the worst of what’s come out of Disney over Masters of the Teras Kasi and Droids the animated series any day of the week.

I don’t think anyone could forget. She sang the theme to Pee Wee’s Playhouse. You can’t forget the woman who sang the song that’s been stuck in your head for three decades. No matter how hard you try.

He’s made four movies explicitly about sports—Happy Gilmore, The Longest Yard, The Waterboy

It’s what takes your dog to the vet.

The defining characteristic of Trump’s base is that they cannot tell the difference between shit and Shinola.