Eustache Dauger

I also understand that he has had, in the past year about with cancer that nearly killed him and losing both parents.

He hasn’t gone after him personally, but he still risked pissing him off. If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Trump, it’s that he makes no goddamn sense.

I now agree with Thanos.

I like the way the news team warn us about disturbing images almost 30 seconds after they show us the image they are warning us about.

Aunt May is still a step up from Aunt Harriet.

No it isn’t. It is a man explaining something that a woman would know better. If a man explains to a woman how much it sucks when his balls stick to his leg, he isn’t mansplaining because a woman genuinely wouldn’t know.

To my understanding, feelings aren’t required. If a man tries to explain menstrual cramps to a woman, he’d be mansplaining whether he told her how to feel about them or not. She clearly knows more about the subject than him.

I thought it was when someone of group x tries to explain something to a member of group y despite the fact that group y inherently knows more about the thing being explained.

Jeff Bezos?

The Rock says... It doesn’t matter what Michael Jordan thinks!

I remember tiny Superman being a lot smaller.


You say it’s Transformers meets Lassie. I say it’s Short Circuit meets C.H.O.M.P.S.

Lando with the Mindharp

Strangely enough, they speak Spanish in Spain.

Yeah. Because legitimizing their BS by turning a blind eye to it has worked so well so far.

There wasn’t an ounce of hyperbole in my statement.

It’s not a hat. It’s a pointy white hood that looks like a hat.