Eustache Dauger

At least his trousers were still on.

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney also weighed in, saying he is “heartbroken” and would order the city’s Commission on Human Relations to investigate Starbucks’ procedures, BuzzFeed reported.

“I would really like to stay at home, to keep my family together, I’m asking, I’m begging, please,” Ziegler said on courtroom video, according to ABC13.

Mommy Morphin’ Power Rangers?

Peanut butter.

He may have been a “weird radio pioneer”, but “pioneer of weird radio” would seem more fitting.

Or the early ‘90s, when that picture was taken. The New WKRP. *shudder*

Wild stab in the dark, here: Daughter gets her friend to help steal from her dad. Daughter wants a bigger cut than her friend is giving her. Daughter gets her dad to sue her friend for the money she helped steal in the first place. Daughter re-steals money without cutting in a partner.

It’s Smallville, but Batman.

Benefactors and sponsors? You mean like Patreon, Indiegogo, and Kickstarter? It’s the same as it always was. You just don’t recognize it as such.

Starring Ice Cube and Chris Tucker.

Don’t forget your PIN number.

They saw how much people loved Pfeiffer’s Catwoman. They noted that her Catwoman was brought back to life by magical cats, underwent a drastic personality change, and fought against an evil tycoon. They ran with that.

Because god knows nobody ever created anything before copyright existed.

Why would it possibly matter in any way, shape, or form if somebody else can tell? Ethics are for being ethical, not for being seen being ethical.

I’m betting this “AI” is really just a bird in a box.

Yes. My parents are like that. Why in the possible hell would I ever want a big box of old report cards? I didn’t even care about my grades when they actually mattered. I said I didn’t want any of it and they should throw it out. They said I might want it after they die. I (half-jokingly) said I would pay to have them

Which nation? Is Hell a nation?

I was going to give this a firm “ugh”, but I’ll up that to a “meh” just for doing us the courtesy of not casting Dave Coulier as Bullwinkle.