Eustache Dauger

The postal service isn’t aware of what they’re delivering and the air can’t make decisions. Facebook is fully aware and chooses to do nothing because profits.

I would argue that it’s less like them rubbing you the wrong way than it is like them giving you the creeps.

You’re right. He deserves to be given HIV and then refused treatment.

I’m always amazed at the number of people who hate the idea of Batman beating Superman, yet have no issue whatsoever with Lex Luthor doing it.

I don’t think it’s so much that he can strain to hear better. I think he’s usually sort of casually focused on hearing worse. He’s focusing on something he barely hears instead of ignoring the millions of things he barely hears. But I have never given a foamy shit about Superman, so that’s just speculation.

With great Bowdler comes great responsibility.

He tried to name himself “Asshole”, but Spider-Man changed it.

I knew of a place that still used one of those in the 90s. The machine was too old to make change, so they taped the change to the packs. They also had a soda machine like the one in the video, but it only had Tab. Tab sucks.

“ I’m hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people’s thoughts,” Trump said.

When Sheepinators are outlawed, only outlaws will have Sheepinators.

Things like naked Trump.

He wouldn’t have done anything that he would have needed to get away with if he wasn’t such a dick. His dickishness is ingrained in the entire scenario.

He wouldn’t have done anything that he would have needed to get away with if he wasn’t such a dick. His dickishness is ingrained in the entire scenario.

I’m not sure red, blue, and yellow are such an original color combination that they would have to be stolen. 33 1/3% chance on the purple, though.

Yes. It’s called “Infowars viewership”.

Some people are far too stupid to be their own gatekeeper. Misinformed morons are dangerous to more than just themselves.

Her brain is overloading
It has a chocolate coating
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud
Caucazoid! Caucazoid!

They’re usually only terrible for the bottom line in the long-term. The short-term thinkers that hire them don’t care about that. It doesn’t matter if the company folds in a year if they can cash out their stock at the peak of the bubble.

Competence isn’t what they look for. Greed is. Since caring more about profits than people is considered a merit in a corporation, it is a meritocracy when evil fuckers rise to the top, regardless of all their other failings. A meritocracy is only as good as the traits being rewarded.