Eustache Dauger

CEOs are hired based on meritocracy. Unfortunately, to a corporation, a psychopathic inability to care about anything other than making money at any and all costs is considered meritorious.


I prefer forward facing Simpsons to 3/4 facing South Park.

In fairness, Moe is supposed to be disturbingly ugly.

I’m hoping for The Chainsaw Vigilante.

If the universe wants Republicans to get the point, the universe should arrange a mass shooting at a country club.

Ted Cruz is Mayor Quimby dumb, because he’s entirely corrupt.

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Agreed. She got to hand out the Deweys, but she never got to win one.

Whether naughty or nice, coal is a shit gift for a man who has literal tons of it. The message would be a clear FU.

They care about making the kind of money Marvel has been making. They don’t care about the properties they are using in the attempt.

That’s when you should stick around. Take a nap at your desk and call your boss a gormless pud shuffler. They still can’t afford to lose you. You might not be worth much, but not much is better than nothing.  

He looks like John Barrowman’s inbred cousin.

He’s not random if he’s specifically chosen. Fully agree about the serial killer thing, though.

Marvel movies work because Marvel Studios makes them. They know their characters. DC movies don’t because WB makes them. They neither know nor care.

I, too, get hot and enjoy free feet. That is why I tuck the foot end of my sheet, not into the bed, but around a fan. It turns my bed into a wind tunnel. It feels amazing. Until you fart. It will arrive at your nose at an angry speed.

In my experience, most bosses treat their employees like rental cars.

“We hired you to produce x, and last week we were in a crunch and you helped us out by producing x+5. Now that we know you can produce x+5, we will be expecting that from you for the same pay.”

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#ThisEatsThat is a useful reminder that nature is quite a bit more complex than we give it credit for.