Eustache Dauger

“I’ve never been at a company where the harder you work, the more they take away,”

That’s how I picture Ted Cruz. I see Mitch McConnell as being more like a large hacky sack soaked in eggnog.

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I thought you had to say “with all due respect”.

How much sicker would we have to make you for it to become terminal?

That face is unpunchable. You’re welcome to try, but he’ll just duck into his shell.

You seem to think that he will see that and realize he was as wrong as them. I think he will see that and think they’re just as right as him and take it as proof of a witch-hunt. What shall we wager?

Imagine being such a piece of shit that you get awards from known assholes that aren’t even in a field affiliated with yours. Now imagine being proud of that fact. I mean, Papa John is a piece of shit, but at least he wasn’t proud that the Nazis love him.

Since it is almost always applied to a Republican, I vote for “racist elephant call”.

Let me get this straight. I made a simple joke about his phrasing and, from that, you somehow deduce that I’m opposed to this entire project? Move over, Dick Gumshoe. There’s a new detective in town.

I don’t get why it matters how much he wants. In any other case, when the government wants your property they tell you what you’ll get for it. They don’t ask what you want. If they say $300k, and he says $30M, what’s to stop them from just cutting a check for $300k and writing “go fuck yourself” on the memo line?

Faithful is good. Nice and accurate would be better.

It will really skillet in awards season if the fandom doesn’t wok away.

Don’t be silly. You can’t be related to a cartoon. He’s related to the guy the cartoon was based on. Maynard G Krebs.

Too bad he didn’t go with Nintendo Bloke. He wouldn’t have had to change his monogram.

President Oprah would almost definitely land us some form of Surgeon General Phil. Fuck that.

“Vibraneum”. The vibrator for your perineum.

If we’re looking critically at the man’s career, pretty much every 90's movie Frasier made was a goofy (but often charming) comedy movie.

That’s not the purchase price. That’s just for a rental.

I have always considered the Doctor Who TV movie to be a Quantum Leap Crossover. Sam leaped into the Doctor. It just explains so many inconsistencies. The Doctor regenerating in blue light instead of gold. The lack of a second heartbeat. The fact that nobody seemed to know a damn thing about Doctor Who.

That’s because the volcano doesn’t make things stupid until the very end. Most Hollywood movies have the volcano make things stupid at the start.