Eustache Dauger

In all fairness, she did get retarded.

Fergisgusting - definition: butcher pre-game anthem
The notes that she is hittin’ can only be described as random
She’s the F to the E, R, G, the I, the E and
When she sings it is a fucking travesty

As neat looking as that TV is, I have to question why it has a chain to hang it from the ceiling when the dial is on the top. Would you use a step ladder to change the channel?

“Just to see what it looks like”. The answer is 25 seconds into the video.

In all fairness, it’s the “daughter/lover” who is hawking her crap. The “daughter-lover” is the Russian puppet.

It’s a little more complicated than that. Technically, it means “we give up, but we know you’ll be pissed if we admit it, so we’re gonna take a break and then give up after you lose interest”.

Of course it’s a joke. If it were the real thing you would have said “Looser Hillary”.

I wonder how long it will be before the first story about a cop using this tech to doctor surveillance footage and frame his ex-wife’s new husband.

This wasn’t in any way an easter egg. Things aren’t hidden just because you didn’t look at them.

Yeah. I mean, would you fire a bank manager just because they stole millions of dollars from the last bank they worked at? Would you fire a teacher just because they molested a kid at their last school? Would you fire a cop just because they murdered someone in their previous department? The past is the past. Let it

Officer “Back in the good old days” and Officer “This badge makes bigger than you” don’t do it for you?

Man. I just cannot decide which of those three cops looks the least trustworthy.

That’s a horse of a Jeffrey Dahmer!

Now playing

Tim Stack had trashy daytime talk shows down.

I hear there’s a videotape proving his hot sauce set the world record on the scoville scale.