Eustache Dauger

Sussudio was never intended to be good. It was only intended to be impossible for Weird Al to parody.

It looks like the Brood if they did away with the bits that made it look far too much like a Xenomorph (hence, “a less copyright infringing version of the Brood”) and a few bits that served no real purpose other than to make animating it a pain in the ass.

Weirdly, SNL doesn’t really seem to care about stand-up comedians until they become well known as actors. I can think of more hosts that were professional athletes than hosts that were primarily stand-up comedians.

The Badoon are reptilian, walk upright on two legs, have arms, and lack tails. That is in no way closer in appearance.  And swinging wildly in the dark is kind of the whole point here.

I wasn’t saying they had to be involved or that anything was guaranteed. I watched those 2 clips and saw these 3 questions

Mar-Vell’s been to Earth before. She her powers from him. He goes home. Leaves behind a body that ends up with SHIELD. Now he needs help and gets Colson because he, like her, has some Kree in him. The show sets up the basic concept for the hardcore fans so the movie can gloss over a few details that casual fans

I’m old enough to remember true schlock like the Salinger Captain America or the David Hasselhoff version of Nick Fury or that Generation X thing they did. I’m delighted to see the day when Inhumans is seen as something worth complaining about.

The Brood tie in directly to the blue Kree enslaving the pink Kree. The human-looking folks who Colson is there to save could easily be pink Kree rebelling against the blues. That could bring in Mar-Vell quite easily. Use the show as an introduction to the character and you could kill him in the movie without wasting

Their Facebook page also mentions another officer-involved shooting late last month. The state was brought in to investigate that one too. No conclusions reached on that one yet. I guess they get their answers faster when they decide what happened first and then look for anything that might back their bullshit up

The quadripedal alien monster looks like a less copyright infringing version of the Brood. The Brood started as enemies of the Kree. Perhaps they’re bringing in Mar-Vell to lay some groundwork for Captain Marvel.

Usually around nein o’clock.

Making a hole wouldn’t require creativity. Just scissors.

I have this picture in my mind of their conversation. It starts with Trump telling Putin he’s looking for a place to hide from extradition and ends with him angrily screaming “PLEASE!” like a deranged Harvey Weinstein.

I’m pretty sure Nickelodeon bought them a few years back. Aside from a few crossovers, they’ve never been a part of DC. They were inspired by Daredevil (which is Marvel) and have been published by Image and Archie Comics, in addition to Mirage (which is where they started). I think they’re published by IDW now.

To me, the hands and feet are too small compared to the forearms and shins. There’s no definition at the wrists and ankles. It makes them kind of lanky and stubby at the same time.

Well, aren’t you an optimist. So sure we’ll have a 2018.

Well, that screenshot of the Amazon page says “More to Love” and “Easy to Clean”. They aren’t exactly hiding it.

She also played his wife on Lucky Louie. I remember reading a story that an HBO executive had demanded nudity in a scene and he got naked. At the time it seemed like he did it himself to avoid asking it of her. Now it seems like he just wanted to be naked in front of people.