Eustache Dauger

I wouldn’t say it’s my dream game. My dream game would be Smokey and the Bandit done in the style of the original Driver.

What I really want is a wrestling game that is predetermined. You start the match knowing how long you’re supposed to go and who is supposed to win and you are just trying to make an entertaining spectacle out of it without injuring anyone. Make sure there’s a back and forth, because one sided fights bore the crowd.

The rise of zero-tolerance rules hasn’t helped either. It used to be that if you went off on your bully you’d get a pass because you were standing up for yourself, often resolving the problem in the process. Now they ignore the bullying and punish the victim for fighting back.

She’s a member of the Less family. She’s Hap, her sister is Ruth, her brothers are Feck and Use, and they were all spawned by daddy Gorm.

Stake him to the ground and leave him for the wolves.

Even if you presume he was searching for a not-present suspect, you have to follow that presumption with him shooting the dogs to get to the suspect and then letting the suspect continue to do whatever he believed the suspect was doing in order to get away from the dogs he had already shot.

I’m not nobody. I’m merely a nobody.

I deny it. Having denied it, I have proven your final point to be a lie and call the integrity of your entire argument into question.

The only problem with a roundabout is the people incapable of understanding them. Getting rid of roundabouts will just lead to the same people getting hopelessly confused by traffic lights and four way stops.

I have my doubts about the ancient Romans’ ability to craft a crucifix large enough to hold Godzilla, but that isn’t exactly concrete proof.

Next they’ll pass a law allowing your employer to withhold your paycheck until they receive and approve of your official home budget.

As I see it, the problem with voter suppression isn’t who holds the keys. It’s the fact that they face no consequences. They pass blatantly discriminatory and unconstitutional laws right before an election, get the results they want, and then face nothing but a rollback that lets them do the same thing again a few

Federal voter suppression doesn’t really seem like a step up to me.

But there isn’t a small subset of farmers specifically called the “food creation unit”.

Theoretically, shouldn’t the entire police department be the “anti-crime unit”?

Pardon my French, but you’re so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up your ass, in two weeks you’d have a diamond.

Counter-counterpoint: No it isn’t. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore it. They think it’s a righteous food.

I imagine that quite often. Napalm is usually involved.

Taking Selfies Doesn’t Make You a Narcissist

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That was 40 years ago. Here’s a more up-to-date clip.