Eustache Dauger

True. That’s why you skip over any attempt at politeness and just make it the insult they’re going to think it is anyway. I tend to just skip to “Hey, great orator. Would you mind shutting up for half a second so anyone else in the room can get a word in edgewise?” They’ll probably think you’re a dick, but by this

Sure it does.

Everyone knows that you can say “No” to a wedding invitation. It’s saying “Good God, no. What would be the point?” that I keep getting into disagreements about.

That would only be true if they were unable to pay a hospital bill with bribe money.

I believe bigotism like nepotism, but with fat guys instead of nephews.

The first game I ever bought with my own money was Comix Zone. Prior to that, however, I bought Eternal Champions with a half off coupon at a half off sale and paid nothing.

If having money and having brains were mutually inclusive, there would be no Kardashians.

If having money and having brains were mutually inclusive, there would be no Kardashians.

It will never be unacceptable to deck a bigot.

I always took a negative stance, too. In my case, I’d just say something like “God, was this book bad. I wish I hadn’t bothered.” The teacher would follow up with a question like “What was bad about it?”, and I’d cut them off by yelling “IT WAS CRAP”. Then they’d send me to the principal’s office and I’d go to

I don’t think the government should stifle speech, but I also think “he had it coming” should be a reasonable defense in an assault trial. Punishment for hate speech should be doled out immediately by those who hear it. Bigots are like dogs. If you wait too long to shove their nose in it, they’ll never connect the

Why do I get the impression you think you just disagreed with me?

The NRA barely even pretends to care about gun owners. They represent gun manufacturers. They’ll fight for people’s right to buy, because if you can’t buy they can’t sell. That’s it. Once your money has been moved into the right pockets, they lose interest.

As of this writing, GTA V now has nearly 30,000 negative reviews, changing the overall rating from “Mostly Positive” to “Overwhelmingly Negative.”

They’re called Take-Two for a reason.

I’m with toff21 on this one. Saying water is wet is like saying gravity is heavy.

But... Nintendo’s got electrolyes. It’s got what Smash craves.

Is it chocolate and vanilla sharing one cup, or is it chocolate and vanilla carefully segregated? Either way, it’s just neapolitan with the best flavor missing, which means it’s shit.

Basset hound. Bed sheet. Just stepped on the end that was dragging and threw a stick. She pretty much pulled it out of herself after that.