Eustache Dauger
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New Mexico cops are hesitant to deal with erratic drivers because they may not be drunk. They may just have a trunk full of radioactive alien corpses.

No, you’re missing the point. You WERE a kid 20 years before there was a movie setting expectations for the ride. Now you’re an old timer expecting that people who currently ARE kids would see things the same way.

Letting anyone self-regulate is a bad idea. Anyone who says “trust me” can’t be trusted.

You are one of the “old timers”, not one of the “kids”. You have proven his point that old timers think it is dumb, but you have proven nothing about the kids because you aren’t one and cannot speak for them.

Where else? Parking lots?

So, I guess if neither you nor your friends can afford a house with a yard you can never play outside?

You’re in for a treat. One of life’s biggest little pleasures is bringing up those unspoken awkward things from the past and seeing how it all plays out. Go for it. It’s been 20 years. They can’t ground you. You’d be surprised at how often they left things unspoken because they thought they knew what happened. Maybe

You just know she played patty-cake with that thing at least once.

He’s always been hairless, but the other two points are up for debate.

Elmer Fudd wasn’t always so slim.

I don’t really have a sense of smell to speak of. I find the best way to tell if I smell is to say “Hey, do I smell?” If I don’t stink, they look at me like it’s a stupid question. If I stink a little, they say “no”. If I stink a lot, they give a mild yes, but their eyes are saying “I am so glad you brought this up”.

In fairness, it didn’t turn left. It turned to port.

And while cutting their teeth it is virtually guaranteed that every one of them will accidentally say either “fire farters” or “living orgasms”. Small market news is flubtastic.

Years back, I lived in a town where the only store closed at 6pm. I used to get home at 6:15. If I failed to buy enough to last to the weekend, my options were to make an hour and a half round trip to another store or eat whatever was left, mold be damned.

You are misunderstanding his statement. They aren’t investigating the officer to see if he’s guilty, they’re investigating the situation to see if they can find enough wiggle room to let him get away with it.

I agree. I would even extend that to include things like trademarking “NYPD”.

Also, bubble wrap wasn’t designed to be popped. The analogy fails to fit from every direction.

If he is a citizen, why couldn’t it be verified?

Between Edge’s story about being groped in the shower and Matt Hardy’s story about him and Jeff being harassed endlessly until they agreed to always change in his presence, it sure seems like JBL would be a less hostile man if he just came out of the closet.

I always hated JBL’s “Clothesline from Hell” because it wasn’t a clothesline. It was a lariat.