
Look, I don’t want to be annoying about it, but RE4 has no business being up for game of the year. It’s a fantastic facelife, but it isn’t a new game. The same goes for Deadspace (which, FWIW, I think was always a more interesting action horror game than RE4), and I’m glad that one didn’t get nominated.

Makes me wanna build the “Master Chief School For Players Who Can’t Aim Good And Wanna Learn Other Stuff Too”

It’s at least edible now, since maybe like ten years ago when they revamped it. Still not something I’d seek out but probably the best fast food pizza. 

Bad pizza is like bad sex. 

After over 3 years of using the iPhone 12 Pro Max, I used my upgrade to get a 15 Pro Max. The performance has far exceeded my expectations, which is surprising. Resident Evil Village runs shockingly well, even at max settings. With a Backbone controller, it feels like a proper mobile console. Games can look much

Love Sex and Second Base is really good.

Maybe they can just focus on making a fun video game now?

I was more speaking from like.... an investor infrastructure POV. Your whole system relies on that specific game/IP being “popular” (or popular enough to have a player base large enough to profit from). The bulk of the community could move to a new game in a matter of weeks if something deemed “better” comes out.

They actually did last year I believe. Though I'm sure it would get updated if they did a new one.

Ishin doesn’t count! And the judgment series is dead for legal reasons. I think gaiden and 8 will both be up to the quality of judgment and like a dragon 7, respectively. I hear you tho. My first thought was “I haven’t played ishin yet, and I gotta play the gaiden too!” Now that I’ve had the combat of 7, im not sure I

I think somewhat quietly Zenimax is and has been one of the worst mismanaged companies in the business. I honestly think almost anyone with authority at Zeni and BGS need to go, because there are a lot of talented people there and at their other studios, but they consistently get shafted by the dullards running the

This is like 2 or 3 flavors of bait for a community that genuinely is just having a good time. Just enjoy the ride homie

Elon’s working on that.

This is the least Metal Gear trailer for a Metal Gear game I’ve ever seen.
Kojima’s absence is readily apparent and sorely missed

Sorry, Admiral Asskicker. I’ll do better next time.

Nah. What’s actually amazing is that Smash still has a competitive scene after vast swaths of it were accused of grooming, sexual assault, and illegal gambling. While I’m not saying Nintendo has a point here we do need to remember that the last time Nintendo actually made even a paltry effort to support the Smash

A subsidiary of HugeConglomCo, owners of Pollution Inc., and Sweatshop Clothes®

‘GameMill’, how appropriate.

Boiled down version:

$60 for a retro style sonic game is a big ask for me.
Going on the wishlist for a few years until its $10.