
I’m sad to hear this news, but given the business practices that WotC has been exhibiting over the last several years, I don’t guess I’m 100% surprised. Best of luck to Larian in whatever they do next. I’ll be watching for it.

This is a bummer but what would be cool is if Kotaku could be done with Jim Spanfeller, a man who is both an herb and hilariously bad at his job.

Ironic considering Overwatch began life as an MMO

I like things to be simple. That’s the main reason I like consoles. If I buy a game for an Xbox Series S|X or a PlayStation 5 I know it’s going to work exactly as it should. I don’t have to worry about whether I need to buy a new GPU, if my CPU is going to throttle performance, or if Windows is going to be an asshole

I’d argue I always find amusing this conversation keep coming up regarding the companies most likely to blame for having pushed the cost of game development so much to levels I kind of feel are unsustainable using hardware they couldn’t even sell at a profit on release instead of consoles they could sell without,

One assumes he came back wearing a top hat and a fake moustache:

Show this dude’s face if you’re going to write a whole article about how it’s disgraceful he’s allowed to compete. It is. But you should show us who did these things.

Looking forward this March to Tomb Raider remastered: remastered

Zero Dawn was lovely once I returned to it after Breath of the Wild. Forbidden West didn’t hit the same highs for me. The story wasn’t as compelling, the combat was... fine. I hope they can stick the landing with the third.

This game are big, won’t you clear some space on your SSD, Cloud?”

are big”? Is this a meme that’s passed me by or should that say “is big”?

That’s not so odd: the side characters tend to have weaker writing (many of the SEES team are replaced by ‘literally who’ as links, which was fixed in later titles,) the stats tend to require less aggressive planning, and the “monster of the week” style that goes on until the big twist really causes the game to drag

The best satire doesn’t have to be subtle, it has to be earnest. If you think that “the Irish should eat their babies if they’re so hungry” is subtle, then you might want to either recalibrate your scale for subtlety or seriously reevaluate your view on the Irish.

Somewhere out there is a universe where Prey 2 was released, Condemned 3 actually happened, and Trump never won the presidency...

Wolverine, I leave you the wine cellar. Logan:

Priorities I guess?

They got the games. Or at least they put more budget into their games. And they’re almost exclusively single-player and don’t have tons of DLC. Those are all good things in my book. 

You shouldn’t have to do this, but find it on the Playstation website, and add it to your library. With all the smoke about Xbox games coming to Ps5, I’ve really been cheesed at the people that prefer Playstation’s UI. Nobody should have to add games to my library from an external website. Which I have to do

Jew here: she is a dumb and bad transphobe but the “antisemitism” was, at best, irresponsible ignorance. She compared mask mandates to the Holocaust. It’s obviously disrespectful, but I’d wager plenty of people here have done something like compare the Holocaust to other events that are not the Holocaust.

Too bad that Cara Dune died already..

Alternate headline: