
I know it’s extremely uncool to like Ubisoft open worlds, and I understand that they’re formulaic. But man, there aren’t that many devs out there just putting out games with bottomless pits of content (for single player games). And I really like a space where I can just kind of turn my brain off, maybe throw on a

World of Warcraft with tricks on skateboards??!

I think it was the Diablo team, but yeah, same difference. What a waste of a talented studio that had literally just put out a hit that they could have continued building on.

That’s still so baffling to me.

As a Gamerthere’s nothing I love more than bashing Bobby Kotick while celebrating events that makes him happier and richer

Raven and id reunited and it feels so good

eventually, porn

Oh, great! Now I have to get dressed to play video games?! No thanks!


let me give you an example even a simple minded brain worm infested dumbass like you can understand

I think this is more of an OJ trial kind of bad: the outcome should be obvious to everyone, but they still screwed it up somehow.

I was just thinking last when reading an article of yours last week, “Luke’s still here.” But damn, I guess it truly is the end of an era for Kotaku now. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

They’re being rightly grilled.

Warzone wants to be Fortnite as COD keeps hemorrhaging players who want to play COD:MW2 (2010).

I know the game’s been out for a few months, but not all of us have beaten it by this point. It’d be cool if the article title and thumbnail didn’t spoil things. (Yeah, I can hear you all now...Ganon is the final boss, duh. Even so, most articles would say “final boss” rather than name dropping and showing a pic).

Is he packing a Fat Man or a Little Boy?

have yet to meet anyone that likes motion blur yet they still keep on making it default on

Okay as a minor pirate historian I’ll say I’m curious. There is some stuff that was cut from AC4 like the capture of John Rackam, Anne Bonny and Mary Read, plus several important pirates like Henry Jennings and Samuel Bellamy were only placed in a mobile game version. Also academically pirate scholarship has evolved

nice, the best AC. I hope they improve the UI

This has to be a Yves decision, it’s so uniquely bad and stupid with Skull and Bones still not having a launch date all these years later.