Eto'o's o-face

A tie is a game where both teams win! It’s the best case scenario!

And succeeding!

I did not know that. Must have been a great game!

Nope. As a soccer fan I must insist that the biggest problem with baseball is there aren’t any tie games. End the games at the ninth inning. In the playoffs, have a home run derby if it’s still tied after the bottom of the ninth. There: fixed it for you.

Which staffer gives the best back rubs. Please reply asap

Tom don’t read this!

That’s not true.

Confiscating wealth diminishes its influence

think about it buddy.

That would only matter the first time someone did it, then everyone would do it and nobody would care, then the rule would be quietly abolished and HamNo deported for embarrassing himself so thoroughly.

No it’s a dumb idea.

Confiscatory tax on the top 15% of wealth.

Rich people would transfer all assets to a spouse and then work for the government. Dumb idea.

Now playing

The myth of a pure past in English football is just that...a myth. Here’s Franny Lee diving years before any bloody Argies played in England:


Should’ve called in Lamela, he didn’t play today.

Hey buddy

Of course not, that’s hooker piss.

I have a question:

How have these self-professed masters of social media never heard of #eggplantfriday