Jesus, two years later and I’m never going to stop feeling vicariously embarrassed by people calling Captain Marvel’s 90 seconds of air force content that’s entirely about how they’re a bunch of misogynist pricks ‘military propaganda’.
Jesus, two years later and I’m never going to stop feeling vicariously embarrassed by people calling Captain Marvel’s 90 seconds of air force content that’s entirely about how they’re a bunch of misogynist pricks ‘military propaganda’.
Toxic boss or workplace? Start looking for a new job. And if there’s an exit interview, tell them straight up why you’re leaving.
Can’t think of a worse way to spend 4 hours than watching the Snyder cut in B&W. I guess a close 2nd would be watching the Snyder cut in color.
Agreed. Don’t separate it. Don’t ban it. Treat it like it’s normal and then, as time passes, it’ll become normalized. Women’s bodies are normal. Let them be normal.
Women in bikinis in hot tubs at a public pool don’t generally solicit ‘donations’ from gawkers passing by.
Camgirls tend to get naked and do more overtly sexual things. This is just women in bikinis in hot tubs. You can see this at any public pool or beach.
I wish people would be honest about this discussion. It isn’t about morality, it’s about money. There is a lot of money to be made with streaming and those fueling the fire in arguments like this are the ones not getting the money. Our (U.S. at least) society has traditionally used morality as the framework for these…
You go to any swimming pool in the country and you’ll see women in bikinis. Children will be there and will be able to see women in bikinis. This is simply what the swimming pool is. Same with hot tubs, there just aren’t as many hot tubs as there are swimming pools.
There is nothing worse than a rabid fanbase.
Fandom is inherently toxic.
[Dr. Phil voice]: “Now, you’re kinda like the person playing chess herr, only the squayes on the board keep chaynging...which is hard if you’re a dog on a long ride and you can’t stick your heayed out the window...and the lawn sprinkler in your mahnd is on wide spray but whut you need is a good positive straight spray.…
I wouldn’t be surprised if he got his doctorate from a box of fucking froot loops.
That’s Doctor Know-it-all, Know-nothing Bald Turd Boy to you!
Of course he’s not going to apologize. He’s going to try to weasel his way out of another controversy, because he’s a know-it-all, know-nothing bald turd boy.
Pinky in the air! I also imagine her holding it with an “ew” face. I imagine her holding most things with an “ew” face.
I still do my own shopping, but it’s like rescuing an ally behind enemy lines. Stick to the plan, get in, get out.
It’s false advertising. Ceasar didn't even live there.
She says that for posturing, but I suspect is the zombie apocalypse arrived, she'd be holding a gun the way the wife of the St. Louis couple did. Hand on the hip. Three fingers on the gun.
Yes, Meghan likes to tie one on - she also likes her guns as she has told us many times before.