It’s all made up. What they supposedly want, what they don’t want, etc. It’s all smoke and mirrors.
It’s all made up. What they supposedly want, what they don’t want, etc. It’s all smoke and mirrors.
Wow, look at this hot young Republican firebrand with his radical new ideas such as: anti-trans, pro-Putin, anti-woke, abortion is murder, God, country, and unchecked capitalism raping the earth to cinders.
Ron Perlman as MTG.
You wouldn't need to. She would have already left you because you have nothing to offer.
I hope he didn’t compound his misery by watching it too.
Blizzard is building up a track record for abusing human rights.
Our initial responses to the issues we face together, and to your concerns, were, quite frankly, tone deaf.
“If you’re in charge and something happens, you’re responsible. If you’re in charge and something doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.”
Ensuring that we have a safe and welcoming work environment is my highest priority. The leadership team has heard you loud and clear.
I hope Blizzard Entertainment and any other company abusing their power get absolutely fucked.
I think you might have left out ‘I am a White Man with a Whimsical Name, and the Series of Outlandish Events that are About to Happen are Deeply Emblematic of the Human Condition’. It’s hard to miss these because they are usually a thousand or so pages long. I have one that I use to prop up a monitor.
Sam Worthington was offered 10% of the film’s cultural impact.
Sounds like you’re upset your buddies are chickenshits who got chased out of town by some uppity colored folks. Where’s Matt Gaetz when you need him? He’d have stood up to those bullies from Philadelphia. If Ben Shapiro was there, he’d tower over the rowdy dozen and protect the fascists freedom to be fascist.
Seems to me that one group voiced their free speech rights, and another smaller group voiced theirs and the former ran from the latter.
riiiiiiight they weren’t like intentionally instigating people and carrying weapons
Where’s the violence? Did any of them get beaten with clubs or other weapons? Did anyone go to the hospital, or get killed? Did one drop of pure white blood get shed? Did any of them even lose their kid’s costume riot shields?
The “crowd” of less than a dozen people exposed them for the posers and cowards that they are.
T-shirts neatly tucked into supermarket khakis might be the least intimidating uniform they could’ve gone with. Makes me think more Circuit City employee than dangerous extremist.