No “Encounter at Farpoint” and/or “All Good Things...”? Is Q putting all of humanity on trial not enough?
No “Encounter at Farpoint” and/or “All Good Things...”? Is Q putting all of humanity on trial not enough?
Seriously though, these lunatics have 24/7/365 platforms on social media, algorithmically targeted at the people most likely to be receptive to their messages. Why does it even begin to matter how one example is covered on an unpopular format in a dying medium, especially when the major criticism is that the…
Made with Flying Dog’s Hazy Black IPA, and subbed 1c of AP flour with .5c Rye flour and .5c Buckwheat flour; had to cook for ~65 minutes, all told, but turned out beautifully!
There is no way in sam hell that Yuengling or Natty Boh failed to crack the top five in the MD/PA/DE/VA area. Shit, MD alone has several national breweries (Flying Dog, Guinness, DuClaw) that are insanely popular, heavily advertised, and heavily consumed by the locals, and Boh still retains its classic connection to…
wat is this, brian thompson
You mean the same dipshits who are going scorched earth all over America just so they can “own the libs” are also willing to go scorched earth all over their own racial supremacy? What’s next -- will they go actual, literal scorched earth just to “own the libs” over climate change?
My Warlock is sitting at 56, waiting for all of the 58+ to go to Outland so I can finish farming my felcloth in peace and grind my way up with max tailoring. It’ll be glorious for a few days in Azshara.
Rather than desaturating the cinematic abortion that was the Snyder cut, why doesn’t Zach spend his time making a coherent and worthwhile movie by cutting out all of the pointless exposition and gratuitous, masturbatory slo-mo scenes? If he did that the movie would be a tight 90 minutes.
I know I’ve let myself go and shaved my beard, but seriously, I should have at least cracked the top 5. No way I’m below Taye Diggs.
My relationship with Eva is much more complicated than my relationship with almost any work of fiction. In general, I think that the problem most people have is that they think it’s an anime about mecha and fights, when really it’s an anime about psychological trauma, teen angst, and the journey of self-discovery and…
Asking the same question over and over again when told “no” is just the human version of a reopening popup window. The (lack of) internal logic employed by shitheads like this is baffling.
“I hate this site so much and stopped reading forever ago and somehow magically appear only to remind everyone of that fact on this site, which I do not read, to its staff and readers, whose opinions I do not respect.” Gobshite, checks out.
Now, more than ever, Melania truly looks like Stasi Barbie.
Try a 25-hour trip from DC to Chicago. Done it once in a regular seat and twice in a sleeper car (round trip 2 of those times). That’s a glimpse of hell.
One of my favorite soundtracks for one of my favorite indie games. Personal favorites are “Passion for Exploring” and “Potential for Anything”, though “Pressure Cooker” gets a nod as well. You know it’s going to be a good time when the title/menu music (“Presenting VVVVVV”) is good enough to listen to on its own!
Hot take: the drum break in Gabriel’s “No Self Control” is actually Collins’ finest.
To be fair, I wasn’t more than 9 years old, and honestly I’m fairly shocked that I was able to make it as far as I did.
Nope. Even if you know exactly where to go and what to do, you have to grind a lot in order to get good enough equipment for your party so that you don’t get slaughtered. My rule of thumb is that every time you come to a new area and you go to the weapons or armor shop, everyone who can equip a given weapon or armor…
I’m also cutting my teeth for the first time, and I’ve also found that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Combat (I’m going heavy signs + swords) is rarely engaging on higher difficulties—either it’s I faceroll the enemies, or I alternate between sign, dodge, heavy swing, parry until everything is dead—and the…
Having had a long, shitty week I saw this and immediately wanted one. Alas, I do not keep vermouth on hand as I don’t drink enough of it to finish before it goes bad, but I did have a bottle of Manzanilla that I’ve been inventively trying to dispose of, and it actually worked nicely with the Roku gin I recently…