Ive always loved these and teh whole RS line generally but 5000 pounds? Lol, what a porker. This thing weighs 500lbs more than my bof SUV. Its jumped the shark or more likely landed on the shark and crushed it under its 2.5 tons of weight.
I wouldn’t’ve believed it was possible for there to be a car paint color that I hate more that matte black, but here we are with Glossy Primer Grey. You’re the “champs”, Audi.
So, the Stellantis game plan is to find a product with massive profit margins, only make 2,000 of them, see massive interest, then toss it all away. Everyone associated with this plan should be sent packing.
That’s SEMA in a nutshell...
More horsepower, better brakes, better suspension. Undo all of it with excessive camber so you have no contact patches. Is it just me????
It seems like making it not dangerous to drive while also preserving the look when parked wouldn’t be a huge deal since it’s on bags, but here we are.
transformed into a thoroughbred performance machine
The wing is very Pikes-Peak-ey.
One time, back when I was a cop, I stopped this crime ring that was boosting DVD players and car stereos. Long story short, I wound up JOINING the group family and traveling the world committing/stopping crimes. Then I had a kid and they stopped inviting me to the jobs. Kids ruin everything.
Sometimes it feels like you put stuff up here for us to just no dice it into oblivion
The brother who keeps laughing and lying that the camera’s off and presumably posted the video is kind of a personal hero of mine though.
Fire the Jalop that said a Buick.
I’m sure he could sell truckloads of the stuff to the average supercar owner. It’s not like those cars will ever leave their garages anyways.
Oh, for sure, not saying the track is blameless here either, by any stretch. But holy hell, did that driver ever seem dumb.
Bullitt didn’t make the cut because half the test audience was asleep by the time the car chase started.
As the owner of a Cayenne Turbo I can answer that: I wanted at least one car that could do everything well, and it’s actually cheaper to buy a Cayenne Turbo than to buy a luxury sedan, sports car, and SUV - not to mention I live in SF and don’t have that much parking.
to answer your question in your first sentence: because they take an already profitable segment and make it even more profitable.
You can’t tell me that is not a minivan that they left the sliding doors off of.
Honestly, if I were rich enough to afford a six figure car and was looking at an EV such as this, I would prefer a Porsche to a Telsa.