
I can relate as an Asian-American also. My wife and I own a small condo in Laconia, NH, which is HD-central. During the summer, there is a Hell’s Angels tent across the street from Weirs Beach that sells Hell’s Angels merchandise. Everywhere we go in that area, we are typically the only Asian people in the

‘gansett is a good, solid, working-on-stuff beer. like, its 85 degrees out and you just mowed the lawn or built a deck or helped someone move into an apartment without AC and you’re sweaty and you want a cold, refreshing beer. you’re not going to crack into a 12% imperial stout with chocolate notes at that point.

They’ll just make the mistake of it being about old boomers vs the world and the whole movie would be Trump rallies and a trip to Strugis. It would just be another nail in the coffin.

More than that, I’m delighted. In Fridley Minnesota in 2010, a loud pipes shop opened about 600 feet from my house. It drew bikers from miles around. All hours of the spring summer and fall, they’d open the throttle on the 60 MPH highway adjacent to the store and half a black from my house. You couldn’t sit outside

This slow death is 100% self inflected. HD has done everything they could to make sure that they will not be saved

I, for one, am completely satisfied to witness the slow demise of one of my least favorite brands. 

Well, in fairness, he very much looks like a Bugatti salesman-- a salesman at the “All Exotics, All European” dealership down by the Spearmint Rhino, near my favorite Vape Shopppe.

Any vehicle balancing itself thanks to the sheer weight of a spare tire mounted on a purpose-made metal arm protruding a couple meters on the front of the vehicle itself, deserves our utmost respect.

Sorry, we have a strict policy of not negotiating with eTerrorists. 

COTD is usually GOOD puns, so maybe try that?

did a sneaker write this

You have beautiful higher priorities, my friend.

Get my stock 1964 Willys Wagon running.

Gash: a slash or deep wound

If I ever win that kind of money I'm commissioning a wood paneled Longtail just to piss of Jalopsters. 

Yes, a 400hp Golf R wagon would be ideal, please and thank you. 

I wouldn’t call a Mazda 3 a wagon though...