
A lilly-white dork with a receding hairline pulls a gun, says “Bitch say I ain’t got money” and accidentally fires the gun.

Sorry Melvin but you ain’t gangster.  

I love the fact that the reason his family has disowned him is a result of all the homophobic shit he and his fellow Republicans have been dishing out for generations.

Soledad O’Brien’s instagram/twitter feed is one of the best things out there. Someone buy that lady a drink.

Hey, cancer. This guy, right here.

Yeah, I’m cynical. Celebrities use and manipulate “relationships” for their own gain all the time, why not here? It pisses me off when people are coy in saying they’re anything other than hetero. It’s not that hard a thing to say.

Another example is actor Lucas Hedges who described himself as “I recognize myself as

Rosario was 38 when she said “I mean, it’s not inaccurate, but I never did come out-come out. I mean, I guess I am now...I’ve never had a relationship in that space, so it’s never felt like an authentic calling to me.”. If she’s 39 and never kissed a girl and saying that stating she’s bi feels inauthentic then I’m

Every time I read about some racist white person, they always look exactly like I expect.

And his name is Dayton Kingery because of course it is.

As a gay, white man when I got to 7 I went, “Got it. Done”.

Sometimes you just want to be surrounded by your folk. 

If you’re going to wear a pink suit, own it. Don’t backpedal and call it “mauve” or “salmon”. Bitch, I’ve seen a color wheel, I went to kindergarten class, that shit is pink.

And, did the woman get AIDS?

A woman can’t win now the way a black man couldn’t win back in 2008.

And when it comes to civil rights, they’re never given to minorities, they’re taken. Women didn’t ask for the right to vote, they demanded it. America just didn’t wake up one day and realize segregation was wrong, blacks had to demand it. Interracial

You can ALWAYS quit your family, no matter what anyone tells you. The gays have been doing this for years. It’s clear the monarchy doesn’t make Harry happy so good on him for having the balls to do the unthinkable and start to untether himself from the royal family. “Tradition” is no reason to keep on keeping on. He’s

There’s *always* going to be a good reason to slap someone, her having a vagina doesn’t mean she’s immune to a smack. When there’s a huge strength imbalance and the stronger one is wailing on the weaker one, that’s a little different. But a pop in the mouth for an n-bomb is just plain justice.

And calling a black

I never said I gave grown men a pass but then again, the article was only talking about a teenage girl. Try to speculate some more though.

I vividly remember talking to my mom about it and her response was something along the lines of “Grandmother is a product of her generation but that doesn’t mean it’s right”. That was the first time that I had the glimmer of the concept that my mother didn’t hold my grandmother in the highest regard.

“You can think you got it all together. Something stupid can happen that can take it all away like that,”

He’s talking like the cheating was a car crash that he experienced, not something that he did. But like he handled the Oscar fiasco, this isn’t a guy known for taking accountability for his actions.

I was born in 1972 and when I was around 7 my grandmother called a black playmate of mine the N-word and I flipped the fuck out. So if my Texan ass knew in 1979 that using that word was wrong, Cabello has no fucking excuse.

As much as I hate defending her, Meghan was steamrolled by Sunni. Everyone had their say and when Meghan started to talk, Sunni immediately interrupted her.

But Meghan has had this coming for a long time so she gets no sympathy from me.

Commenters are dumping on these guys but I bet they would have gotten a lot more goodwill if they’d included Susan Anton and/or Adrienne Barbeau in the race.