
Holy crap, an HOA is in the right. Hell truly has frozen over.

I was talking about this with 2 fathers and they were behind TI 100% for that very reason: “As long as she’s under my roof she has to obey my rules”. They insisted that while their daughter lived with them, if she was putting herself in danger of getting pregnant, they had the right to tell her not to have sex. They

An old man who gives you gifts if you’re “nice”? Sounds like Santa and the dearly departed Hef weren’t too different from each other.

As a Gen-Xer I completely agree. No one knows how insufferable boomers are like the generation that got to be raised by them.

Pretty much every overbearing protective dad I know was a total poon-hound when he was younger and is now terrified other boys will treat his daughter the way he treated other women.

This is just another man trying to control a woman.

I’m a massive horror fan and Shudder’s amazing, it’s definitely worth the price. They have old-school giallos, film-festival movies, etc. They don’t have a lot of bargain-basement filler like Netflix.

I’m enjoying Creepshow but I wished it used the comic-book aesthetic more. Only 2 episodes really had the “colorful

I disagree, we don’t tell people to fuck off enough. If W. had tried to reach out to the LGBT community and make amends for his homophobic past, that would be different. But his policies and rhetoric kept homophobic policies alive for 8 more years.

Being nice to someone who’s been mean to you isn’t always a virtue.

As a 47-year-old gay man who’s never had romantic or sexual attraction to women, I’m guessing that figuring out my sexuality was a breeze compared to what other people seem to go through.

I was brought up feeling that it doesn’t matter how femme you are, it doesn’t make you less of a man. But now people are

So the show hired someone who is known for being lazy and unproductive and she’s fired for being lazy and unproductive? Man, you can’t buy that kind of publicity. 

Also, keep your fucking bible out of the courtroom. Separation of church and state, my ass.

I agree but since the Beibs is going thorough heavy image rehabilitation it wouldn’t hurt and would hardly dent his pocketbook.

This is shocking, I figured he’d be the one rebuffing her.

When someone’s response to someone doing something wrong is, “Well, so-and-so did the exact same thing!!”, you know they don’t have a comeback for the issue at hand.

Megan got played by a superior person, have a hissy fit and threw a temper tantrum. I know she’s bringing ratings and publicity to The View but good god,

People keep calling her a scammer or a grifter but that doesn’t seem to fit. A scam artist knows from the start they’re running a scam and everything they do has the sole purpose of bilking money from people and getting away with it. Calloway isn’t a scam artist, she’s just an incompetent person who’s making things up

The Buzzfeed article reinforces 2 things for me:

1. Giving someone money, power or responsibility simply because they’re “Internet famous” is foolish and you only have yourself to blame when things don’t turn out well.

2. No one who says “It’s weird being public-facing” should be taken seriously in any way whatsoever. 

The family that gets shit-faced together, gets sober together!

How about I sneak up behind you one night when you’re sleeping, slide my fingers into your butthole and then we’ll see how la-de-dah you are about the whole “rape” vs “sexual assault” thing.

Marvel has been pretty progressive in who they cast.”

Except for gay characters or actors, which was her entire point.

“It is my responsibility to shepherd a teenager to becoming a healthy adult.” 

I know it’s made out of diamonds but it looks like Travis Scott gave Kylie a pearl necklace instead.