
Ariana has the weirdest taste in men. This or the guy is amazing in bed.

Yes, and burglars exploits gaps in my home security; doesn’t make it any less illegal.

Back when I was in college there was a saying, “Rent a friend, Join a frat”. Seems like you’d fit right into a passive-aggressive group of mean girls. I really hope you’re not a mother.

Which I hadn’t so...thanks for the spoiler.

Why put this statement out? Apparently no one at Warner Bros. has heard about the Streisand Effect.

I’m gay and have had more women be homophobic to me than men and I grew up in Texas. But thanks for invalidating what the poster said and straightsplaining what it’s like being queer to them and proving their point that straight people just generally say insanely stupid and insensitive shit like that, you know?

This! And I love that he’s putting it out there just so the A-lister knows it’s about him. 

I’ve had multiple straight women say that to me in so many words. I’ve also had more homophobic behavior from straight women than straight men. I grew up in Texas and the straight men were MUCH more accepting of me than the straight women were.

I’m right with you. I’ve been reading comics for 30 years and some people now seem to want to search every aspect of comics to find something to bitch about.

This comment thread is why people make fun of comic book fans. Her death isn’t going to stick, every single one of us knows that. She’s not getting “fridged”, she’s getting the same treatment hundreds of comic book heroes have had: dying and then coming back. But everyone’s acting like Marvel’s committing a hate crime.

In the words of Whitney Houston, it’s not right but it’s ok.

Maybe his acting in IKWYDLS could be chalked up to an inexperienced actor AND an inexperienced director. No talented director would do that to the guy starring in his movie. 

Remember when being a fan meant you enjoyed something? Nowadays it must be exhausting to be a Star Wars fan, so much micromanaging and nitpicking every last fucking thing in the franchise.

This is the stupidest fucking “controversy” I’ve come across. I know we can multitask our outrage but with all the school shootings, abortion/pregnancy rights being destrotyed and Tennessee expelling Democrats for rallying against gun control, there really are more important things to be upset about.

No he wasn’t. Don’t blame someone’s stupid decisions on the devil, it’s all on you.

I’m a HUGE Agatha Christie fan but she’s pretty racist; editing her books though isn’t the answer. Put a disclaimer in the front stating her writing reflects some of the opinions of her time and leave it at that.

I’m not sympathetic for what Grossberg had to go through. She got a job there, what did she expect? Lie down with dogs and all that.

Brah, it’s only been a year.

Michael B. Jordan knows Bassett and you don’t, he’s allowed to call her whatever the fuck he wants without side characters questioning it.

I feel ya. I’m a gay man who grew up in Texas during the 80s so I learned to develop a thick skin, mainly through a sense of humor. I’m so happy people are speaking out for minorities but it feels like it’s gone too far and people are turning really Puritanical in how they monitor and correct any behavior they don’t