Are they doing anything about the “Chrome is still a freaking powerhog” issue? It isn’t as bad; but I still notice that if I have Chrome open, the battery life is not long.
Are they doing anything about the “Chrome is still a freaking powerhog” issue? It isn’t as bad; but I still notice that if I have Chrome open, the battery life is not long.
Molly Weasely
I know this is loner week, but it also seems worthwhile to mention that you don’t actually have to be family with the people on your family plan! No reason you couldn’t do a family plan with close friends or roommates, assuming you trust them enough to pay you for their share if you are the one on the bill.
This is not only an insensitive comment, it’s a downright bad joke. I may have been able to excuse the insensitivity if it were actually a good joke. I award you zero points and may God have mercy on your soul.
Definitely, there’s talk about doing a post like this soon- stay tuned! For now, I would say to network like crazy. Always bring up what you do and that you are looking for more projects. Most work comes from someone you know, or someone who knows someone you know.
Now the umpires can address them by name.
At what point do you think he got concerned that he’s actually been diagnosed with a terminal illness and this was all an elaborate ruse to make his wish of hitting a MLB Home Run come true?
Oh gosh, I was obsessed with Weird Al when I was maybe 12. I think he’s just the right kind of goofy for kids to latch onto.
I don’t have a side project either. Only childless people have side projects.
You can’t “steal” a QBing job. You win it through hard work. It’s not like it’s a crab leg.
I’m calling it now: The Browns are going 0-0-16 this season.
At the same time, please god make sure you actually halfway like your “useful” major if you’re going to go that way. It’s easy to say “pick business!” but all you end up with then are a ton of really underwhelming, disengaged graduates with business degrees. If I had a nickel for every miserable accounting student who…
the Nationals could sure use a reliable reliever
The 98 Yankees did not have a player even in the same stratosphere as Mookie Betts, who just might be the greatest ever.
I’m sorry, we love Chris Davis? 50 OPS+ Chris Davis? -2.1 WAR Chris Davis? The guy they gave a long term deal to instead of Manny Machado Chris Davis?
The Orioles logo is a fucking classic and you take it back
I didn’t even notice the shirt at first. I thought Green was mocking LeBron by just having a natural hairline.
As an introvert who is married to an introvert, I assumed that our son would, of course, be an introvert.
At what point did the sense of responsibility and accountability evaporate from the job seeker’s psyche?
I don’t know the announcers, so forgive me if I’m insulting a legend... but I’d kill myself if I had to hear that accent on every broadcast.